39 – Love

I coordinated this walk with Marsha’s Always Write blog and her “Writer’s Quotes Wednesday Writing Challenge” (WQWWC). Here is her post. I invite everyone to return throughout the week because those who accept the challenge will pingback or list it in the comments. Also, feel free to accept her challenge.

Click the above video for sounds of waves for a background while reading.

I like walking on the beach. It is good for the mind, body, and soul – a refreshing on my feet.

I always start and end these walks with the same phrase. “Like” is the first important verb, but I could use “love” instead. Not only is love a stronger emotion than like, love may be one of the strongest human emotions.

Photo by Rakicevic Nenad on Pexels.com

Love is a complicated word – a word having many meanings in English. Love is a word that other languages use multiple words signifying different contexts of love. For instance, Philia, Eros, Xenia, and Agape in Greek are all love in English – but used differently. After all, we have a different love for parents, siblings, family, pets, places, friends, lovers, and activities we enjoy. At least the Greeks have multiple words for different meanings.

Love is something everyone desires, but some people don’t know the meaning of love, how to love, or willing to accept love.

Love is not supernatural – but rather an all-consuming natural instinct-driven from a place deep within our brain. Love can be an addiction, but love is not about control and possession.

For lasting love, we initially look to temperament, outside mannerisms, appearance, and personality. Some want intellect – others want physical beauty to serve as eye candy by their side. Niceness, trust, honesty, and sincerity eventually come into play. To some, so does generosity and empathy.

Love resides in the brain, even though we say the heart – yet we feel love from head to fingers, toes, and everything in between.

Love will keep us together and make one go crazy. After all, love is a wild card that is blind and defiles the rules while attacking the entire body. So when the heartbreaks, we feel pain throughout the body. Not a physical pain – but one of a conflict between body chemistry and the brain.

Photo by Mateus Souza on Pexels.com

Love is accidental, intentional, and uncontrollable – even an addiction. Yet, love can grow, mature, and sustain without limits. We can fall in love and fall out of love – but which is easier? But if love is the answer, what is the question?

Whereas lust and attraction are temporary, transforming them into love is an adventurous process involving many emotions and obstacles along the way and without a guarantee.

Love is fiery and calm; deep but never shallow. Love is free, a promise, ravenous, tolerance, acceptance, respect, interactive, exhaustive, then inexhaustible, endless, ultimate expression, sensual, emotional, intellectual, and imaginative. In the end, love is just love – but the question is, to what heights will it rise?

Love may start with the tease of a Cha-Cha, deliver a message in a Rumba, grow with a smooth Waltz, raise the temperature in Tango, then culminate with the sensual Bolero.

Love is a work of art – a personal canvas to be jointly painted with one brush – a challenging collaboration of patience and shared goals requiring effort, critical thinking, problem-solving, and give-and-take discussions.

Love is a journey of continuous discovery with many intertwined paths meandering through life. The paths of love involve patience, trust, hope, and commitment. The paths of love involve kindness, compassion, generosity, affection, helping, and sharing. The paths of love involve obstacles and the forbidden – egos, selfishness, and vanity – safety, dependability, and reliability.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

Love is the notes on a page of a Rachmaninoff symphony the conductor is ready to lead. The excited and anxious anticipation of the first note, but without knowledge of the music ahead. Love is like the music transforming the listener in the audience to become part of the orchestra’s music.

Love is a bare tree in the spring full of buds and a bunch of flowers ready to bloom. Love is a beautiful rose – a visual feast with sweet fragrance – yet beware of the thorn.

Love holds people together during happy times and the sad – times of successes and failures – times of being together and being apart.

Love touches everything in us. Love is like the water of the sea – fluid – an emotion flowing between entities. Love is an encompassing need embedded within to keep us together. Love is the key component in the evolution of a relationship. Such powerful stuff for something that is blind.

Love is always thinking of someone, a look of the eyes, a pounding heart, the rushing blood, the light strokes of fingers, and lips touching – all delivering to the body a special glow. Love is a powerful experience that is biologically-linked to pain – so I wonder: Why do opposites attract?

Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on Pexels.com

Love is a tempest – just ask Romeo and Juliet, Antony and Cleopatra, Lancelot and Guinevere, Rhett and Scarlet, Adonis and Venus, and many more. But can anyone say which is easier: Falling in love or falling out of love?

True love may find us when we least expect it – at the least expected time, place, and circumstance. Although technology brings people together, individuals still determine the standards and decisions for love. The question is how, where, and when we will find someone we understand and who understands us.

Other than romantic, love has many meanings. There is a love for music, food, places, art, activities, friends, the night sky, a campfire, and just a single rose. We find love in many personal actions; such as care, respect, patience, trust, and sympathy – in friends embracing after a long separation. Love is also a soft spot, a penchant, and an appreciation for something, someplace, or someone.

Love is complicated, and I know there is still more to say – and the beach here is long. Although love is the wind, waves, sun, and sand, it is time to end these lovely thoughts to let my mind cool. After all, I like walking on the beach because it is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

See what other bloggers have written about love

Next Post: Seasons – Thursday 11 February @ 1 AM (Eastern US)

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179 thoughts on “39 – Love”

    1. Mouse,
      First of all, an official welcome to a first-time walker on the sands of my beach … and all the way from Australia! Glad you enjoyed this walk regarding love. There is so much to say about it, I have volume 2 for later. Thanks for the link to your wonderful poem! I encourage readers to stop by!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thank you for the warm welcome.
        While I hail from Australia I live in Finland. There’s not much in the way of beaches here, and what we do have is covered in a few feet of snow.
        I’ve been reading all your posts recently. Nice ti have a few minutes escape to warmer climates, if only in my mind.
        I look forward to what’s in store.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. Oh wow … I an Aussie in Finland. Whew …. now those are two quite different places. Well, at least it turns of geography-related things. I think it’s wonderful, but I wonder about the similarities and differences between the two cultures. (I find that interesting), Thanks for reading some of the past walks. Escape is a good word of what I try to do here – although I usually say relaxation and provoking thought – so thanks for the ide!

          Liked by 3 people

          1. Polar opposites 😉
            From the location, to the people and the way of life. Its taken some getting used to.
            My own walks on imaginary beaches are an eacape. With snow and three kids under five, relaxation and beaches don’t mix.
            Loving your work. You will see me often.

            Liked by 2 people

              1. There is good and bad everywhere, they are universal, but I’m a resilient rodent.
                About six years in Finland now, and I’d say at least six more.
                I look forward to the walks. Interested to see that collab.


                  1. I have the same belief. Whether it holds true is another matter.
                    I usually reply to messages in the mornings and if there is time I get to reading. Either way, I’ll be around for your treks.


            1. You are a busy woman, Mouse. We moved to the mountains, which is a different nice than the beach. I ought to start a Mountain Reflections, site, Frank. I don’t really know the topography of Finland. What do you do for fun there with three small children?

              Liked by 3 people

                    1. Yes, I caught that. She is the hostess of the Lens-Artist Challenge this week. Her post fit beautifully so I told her we’d both be honored to have her link. 🙂 If that’s the one you mean. Otherwise, I need to take another peek. 🙂

                      Liked by 2 people

              1. Not much with my wild children.
                It’s mostly a flat country, rocky. But it is called the land of 10000 lakes and that seems about right from what I’ve seen.
                Our house backs onto the Helsinki national forest so we have great hiking trails. Foxes and deer, wild strawberries and blueberries. Every kind of mushroom on God’s fungal earth. So hiking and foraging are big pastimes.

                Liked by 2 people

  1. Frank that was so beautifully said. When I think of love I think of my parents hand-in-hand not needing to say anything to each other. They just knew. That intensity makes me weep.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Wonderful post that captures the tumult and nuances of love. This, especially, caught my attention: “Whereas lust and attraction are temporary, transforming them into love is an adventurous process involving many emotions and obstacles along the way and without a guarantee.” So very, very true!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Another beautiful video, Frank. The custard had to wait 🙂 🙂 Sometimes your words drift off into the ether, but some stay with me. I liked these – a personal canvas to be jointly painted with one brush
    Such powerful stuff for something that is blind.
    See you on Thursday!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Jo,
      Now that’s quite the praise … that is, the post causing dessert to wait. I’m deeply touched and honored! Thank you, thank you! Thanks for sharing your favorite line too … and I love your closing comment about powerful stuff for something that is blind. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the video! Thanks for watching. … How was the custard?

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Well Frank, not sure there is anything left for us to say! You’ve covered Love in more ways than I could have imagined and quite eloquently too I might add. Your collaboration with Marsha will, I’m sure, generate a terrific response. I look forward to seeing the next step!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Tina,
      Thank you. There so much to say about love, one walk isn’t enough (I have v2 in draft mode) … and I envision v3 coming from reader comments of v1 and v2. Meanwhile, this is my first time hosting for Marsha. She’s been good to me, so it’s important for me to support her. Plus, I can see hosting again.

      Liked by 3 people

  5. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been to write this one, Frank. ‘Love’ is one of those multi-layered topics that “everybody” thinks they know about, but when it comes to putting those thoughts into words and sentences, there’s a tendency to underestimate the length and breadth and height of the matter. Well done, my friend!!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Love is one of those words thrown around and over-used. “Awesome” is another. And don’t get me start on the use of exclamation points online, something I’m guilty of sometimes as well. But I digress. Good job of talking about the different sorts of love. You can also love someone or something but not always like them or it. That makes things even more complicated. 🙂

    I love discussing things like this. 🙂 ❤


    Liked by 3 people

    1. Janet,
      Agree, “love” is thrown around and overused. On the other hand, that does show its wide range of meanings. Maybe other languages have it right with different words for love. Glad you enjoyed this walk, but part of wants to say, AWESOME comment, Janet!!!!!!! … but I won’t.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Too late!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 There are other examples of multiple words for thing we have one word for. For instance, the Eskimos have a number of words for snow, depending on the type, I imagine. The problem, if there is one, with one words for many meanings is being sure that the listener/reader knows which meaning you’re using.

        On a humorous note, I once did a post about using words other than “Great post”, which were two words I read a lot in my comments. If you use an online thesaurus, it’s easy to find other words. Ironically, a number of the comments were…you guessed it. “Great post.” I’m not sure they were all kidding.

        Liked by 2 people

          1. I did know that, Frank. I did another one on putting a comma before or before and after the name of someone you’re addressing directly such as: Frank, stop using so many exclamation points. Or: Please, Frank, stop using so many exclamation points. Most of the comments were along these lines: “Great post Janet.” Ha, ha. Too funny.

            Liked by 2 people

        1. I refer to the online dictionary and thesaurus even if just to spell the word, “thesaurus.” When I started writing and blogging, I discovered what a poor vocabulary I use and how deplorable my spelling is.

          Liked by 2 people

  7. Love has so many facets I’ve never taken it on as something to write about…..congratulations to you for tackling it so very very well. Love is also blind – I discovered that with my first marriage but even that experience taught me much about love preparing me for greater and better things with eyes wide open!


    Liked by 3 people

    1. Pam,
      Thank you. I admit that this walk was not an easy one to write. So much to say, so little time & space – plus the tendency to ramble and stray off course. So I tried to focus it, and leave other ideas for a different walk. One thing for sure, love is a learning experience, so thanks for sharing a bit of yours.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. It’s wonderful that you show the inexhaustibility of the meaning of love. It seems that when love is tested, it really shows its true colors. I look forward to Part 2, Frank. Your beach walks provide hours of contemplation, not only for you. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I don’t know, Frank, I’m getting exhausted just looking at all the work you and all your readers put into this post about love. This is hours and hours of love!


      1. It’s my pleasure of course Marsha!!! I’ll see you tomorrow right? I’m not sure which one Frank is refering too but feel free to look through my post after tomorrow and let me know which one you would like to see.. ❤️💖💖💖💖 🤗🙏

        Liked by 2 people

            1. Your love post was adorable. I’m in awe of how you worked that out together and even sang the song you wrote. It’s so unique and you’ve done a couple of collaborative posts like that since I’ve been reading your blog. Well done. 🙂

              Liked by 2 people

              1. Oh thanks so Marsha!!! I know it was fun to have a thought and just pull it off without practice etc. I’m soooo glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for letting me know. I so much appreciate it. Collabs are never my intention because of time but if they can come about like this then I’m all in.. You’re the best.
                Thanks and Happy Valentine’s Day Marsha 💖🌷

                Liked by 2 people

    1. I do that too, Elizabeth. I get into habits and then the words lose their meanings. Did you see Sustainabilitea’s comment about “great post?” It was hilarious. As a teacher, I walked around the class and commented on the work the students did and I said “Good job,” so often that the kids started imitating me. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  9. Beautiful, Frank! Isn’t it wonderful to know that love is accessed from a variety of viewpoints and experiences, and isn’t entirely limited to romance. I have been so fortunate to have been surrounded by love my entire life, beginning with good parents, and I even had loving grandparents until I was 50-years old. I have been very fortunate in my life. Add to that the many things I enjoy…and I do typically say I “love” a good sunset, cookies, flowers…and of course, the ocean! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Debra,
      Thanks for sharing a bit about your perspective. I especially like – Love is accessed from a variety of viewpoints and experiences and isn’t entirely limited to romance. – There something about that statement that is both simple and complex – well, and hard to explain. Well, that’s love, too! Thanks for sharing a bit of your personal story.


      1. WOW, and that’s Indiana today. What an amazing show, Her dress was unbelievably flexible to stay with her. I worried about her! I didn’t know the song, sorry to say. I’m probably too old. I used to be a roller skate dancer in my youth, and outfits were so important. I got kicked off the floor once because my skating panties showed. Different era and not in the prudish state of Indiana, but the liberal state of Oregon. LOL

        Liked by 1 person

  10. I wish that, as in other languages, we had different words for different kinds of love. Too easy to say, I love you, and find yourself alone cos that’s commitment & he’s off at a run, yet all you meant was, Wow, I’m happy with you.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. You have tumbled love out on the beach like footsteps for us to follow. Lovely! So many favorites but I especially liked the comparison to dancing. Perhaps because I fell in love with Husband on a dance floor but neither of us enjoyed dancing. Happy Valentine’s Day! Great post.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Happy Valentines, Frank!
    I love this post, then again I love love.
    I want you to know I have been a bit absent, as I had an accident. Sparing details, I’m bed resting most of the time.
    Being at my desk, or having my laptop in bed is not conducive to my comfort.
    Although it’s not where I hurt myself, the whole thing is a pain in the butt.
    The music is beautiful, love.
    So, based on a line in this post, here’s for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QNEf9oGw8ox
    Cheers! 🍷

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Resa,
      Happy Valentine’s Day to you. OH no … I didn’t hear about the accident. Hang in there and take your time. Bloggers aren’t going anywhere. AND – when you get a chance, make sure you see walk #40-Cold because you know the collaborator. Meanwhile, back to this walk, glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the captain and Toni. My wife and I went to a Halloween party once dressed as them. Thanks for letting me know!

      Liked by 2 people

  13. I’m in awe of your post, Frank. I love the emotions of love and I certainly didn’t know that the Greeks have so many synonyms for it. Then there was the tempestuous love story of Rhett and Scarlet (brought back memories of both the book and the movie) , love as a symphony, love as a dance , love which leaves you with a fierce longing . I’m spellbound. I’ve read it twice and I’m going to give it another go, such is the power of your words. Beautiful!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sheetal,
      Welcome first-time beach walker to the sands of my personal beach. Glad you enjoyed this journey about love – and for reading it a second time .. and thanks for sharing some of your favorite moments. I invite you to look around at other walks that may capture your interest. My format is the same, but the theme changes. A special thanks to Marsha for bringing us together and I hope to see you again here and at your blog. 🙂


      1. Thank you Frank for this warm welcome . This has been a serendipitous meeting thanks to Marsha and Lens Artist Challenge . In fact I had heard of your blog from Jo of restless Jo but now that I’m following your blog , I look forward to many more interesting reflections and food for thought.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Thank you and the same from me. Jo is a treasure. I know your post was answering a different challenge, but I agree with Marsha – it fits with hers. FYI: I will be collaborating with Tina here on the last Saturday of this month … I’ve already collaborated with Ann-Christine, plus we are working on another one. So … as you see – we have other connections … plus the wonderful Jo!

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Alexandria,
      Welcome .. and a friend of Marsha is a friend of mine. Plus, when I was visiting you, I noticed we have some common links. Your post is perfect for Marsha’s theme. She does them every Wednesday, but sometimes uses hosts (like me – but this was my first). Here’s her schedule. https://tchistorygal.net/writers-quotes-wednesday-writers-challenge/ … Meanwhile, glad you enjoy your first beach walk here, and I hope you return. FYI: I also collaborate with photographers.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Frank – you really made this subject readable, enjoyable and maybe even loved. I almost never use the word for another human being, except for my children. The love for my children is endless and deep. I would die for them. That is the strongest I can say. Love is a topic I would never try to talk about or explain. My deepest respect for you – because you did it with the honour.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Dear Frank,

    Hello! I am a friend of Marsha, Sue Dreamwalker, Cheryl (Gulf Coast Poet) and Cindy Georgakas.

    Marsha has commented to me in her post entitled “#Sunday Stills: Everything Is Coming Up Roses” as follows after I introduced her to a special link about Chinese New Year:

    Hi my friend, Sound Eagle. You should post this link on Frank at Beach Reflections post on LOVE. I’m sure he would be honored to have it.

    Specifically, I would like to point ot you that there is a close connection between love and Chinese New Year as follows.

    Chinese New Year of 2021 begins on the 12th of February and lasts for 15 days. Its third days coincides with Valentine’s Day. This double celebration represents a culmination of the Eastern Culture (emphasizing Relationship and Kinship 關係和親情) meeting and amalgamating with the Western Culture (emphasizing Romance and Love 浪漫和愛情). It provides a good indicator and macrocosmic example of the increased intensification and extensive interpenetration of economic, social and cultural practices and relations as globalization continues to expand in the 21st century. This can be both seen and heard in the dynamic results of musical hybridizations and cross-cultural collaborations, as demonstrated by my post entitled “🦅 SoundEagle in Chinese New Year Celebration, Spring Festival, Lion Dance, Food, Ornaments, Traditional Culture and Architecture 🏮🎋🦁🥗🎐㊗️⛩” published at https://soundeagle.wordpress.com/2020/02/02/soundeagle-in-chinese-new-year-celebration-spring-festival-lion-dance-food-ornaments-traditional-culture-and-architecture/

    Please enjoy this very extensive post to your heart’s content. Happy Chinese New Year to you, Marsha, Sue Dreamwalker, Cheryl (Gulf Coast Poet) and Cindy Georgakas! It is the year of the Golden Ox.


    1. Sound Eagle,
      Welcome first-time beach walk on the sands of my personal beach. You’ve listed the names of good people, so cheers to the more goodness in the world I saw you post on Marsha’s, so I’m happy you linked here! Wow … quite extensive! FYI: I was born in the year of the snake – and actually there are only a few hours left in my birthday.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Dear Frank,

        Thank you for your reply. Happy Birthday to you and Many Happy Returns! 🎉🎂

        As you can see, our very dear friend Marsha has visited my said post about Chinese New Year and submitted two lovely comments there. I look forward to your feedback there too.

        I particularly like your following three paragraphs:

        Love is accidental, intentional, and uncontrollable – even an addiction. Yet, love can grow, mature, and sustain without limits. We can fall in love and fall out of love – but which is easier? But if love is the answer, what is the question?

        Whereas lust and attraction are temporary, transforming them into love is an adventurous process involving many emotions and obstacles along the way and without a guarantee.

        Love is fiery and calm; deep but never shallow. Love is free, a promise, ravenous, tolerance, acceptance, respect, interactive, exhaustive, then inexhaustible, endless, ultimate expression, sensual, emotional, intellectual, and imaginative. In the end, love is just love – but the question is, to what heights will it rise?

        You have written about Love in such a captivating manner, and I hope that you have a good time during Valentine’s Day celebrated last Sunday. In other words, you have bestowed on us such lovely and sweet words uttered with a gentle, sensuous lilt.

        Therefore, I would like to echo and resonate with your spirit of Love with my special post at https://soundeagle.wordpress.com/2013/02/14/soundeagle-in-love-and-dove-art-and-heart-on-valentines-day-with-gifts/

        The said post is entitled “🦅 SoundEagle in Love and Dove, Art and Heart on Valentine’s Day with Gifts 🎁💝🕊💌💘”, where it contains my graphic designs as well as my poem. And I am very curious about what you think of my said post, and would be delighted to receive your feedback there. Please enjoy!


        1. Sound Eagle,
          Thank you for the birthday greeting that I very much appreciate – especially with only a little more than 2 hours left in my day. One question. Where are you located? I like knowing the whereabouts of my birthday wishes.

          Thank you for the kind words about this beach walk. Sometimes the words flow right, well … and there are times they don’t. After all, I don’t consider myself to be a writer – simply a person who enjoys writing. I will visit your love post tomorrow. Thank you for the invitation. Meanwhile, I invite you to visit other beach walks of the topics of your choice.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Dear Frank,

            Please be informed that you might need to use a desktop or laptop computer with a large screen to view the rich multimedia contents available for heightening your multisensory enjoyment at my blog, which could be too powerful and feature-rich for iPad, iPhone, tablet or other portable devices to handle properly or adequately.

            In addition, since my blog contains advanced styling and multimedia components plus animations, it is highly recommended to read my posts and pages directly in my blog so that you will be able to see and experience all of the refined and glorious details. Hence, it is prudent to refrain from viewing my blog in the WordPress Reader, which tends to ignore or strip away some styling and formatting components, and also fails to display animations, all of which are aplenty in my posts and pages, which will look very different and even improper or amiss in the WordPress Reader.

            Happy reading!


      2. Dear Frank,

        Furthermore, in reciprocating and resonating with the spirit of your blog about “walking on the beach” and your profound message of “Love” in all its diversity and manifestations, I would like to introduce you to another post of mine that is rich in seaside imageries and environmental awareness entitled “🦅 SoundEagle in Art, Aphorism and Paramusic 🏝”, available to you at https://soundeagle.wordpress.com/2012/09/18/soundeagle-in-art-aphorism-and-paramusic/

        Given that your blog is titled “Beach Walk Reflections: Thoughts from thinking while walking”, you will find this said post to be very fascinating, informative and perhaps even ground-breaking, for the post deals with many thought-provoking concepts and challenges traditional ideas of what constitute music and art, including the very idea of soundwalk, appreciation of Nature, and environmental philosophy. I welcome your feedback at the said post.


  16. This is beautiful, Frank. I somehow missed it the first time around. Thank you for linking to it. I might argue about love coming from the brain. It seems they (the scientists) are finding that our hearts (and guts) have minds of their own. 😀


  17. Hi again, Frank, Thanks for linking this valuable post about love to WQW this week. It’s a popular topic. Your post would be a great start for a found poem. (One that uses the words in any order, maybe even repeating them to form a poem about the topic.) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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