80 – Seeds *

Special thanks to Lisa for providing the photos. Lisa is in the USA and I encourage readers to visit her photography blog Peace of Life Today. Lisa owns the copyright on her photos.

Click the video above for 2 minutes of background waves while reading.

I like walking on the beach. It is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

Ever think about seeds? They seem so simple at a glance – even on closer examination. We typically think of a seed with a hard, thin outer shell and a softer inside.

On the other hand, this seemingly plain object is the beginning of something new, something beautiful, and something useful. The seed is the beginning of a green plant that can be as simple as grass or are grand as a large tree.

Earth’s annual regeneration of seeds for release (many in the fall) – possibly covered by winter snows – yet ready for renewal in the spring so the cycle can repeat – all this with its goal of perpetuating the species.

I think of the farmer preparing the land before planting the seeds. Whether randomly scattering the seeds or planting them in straight rows with distinct spacing, time delivers something that belongs to everyone – bountiful crops and flowers.

As I walk, trees are sparse – only found on the grounds of some condominiums. However, we can find naturally occurring trees a short distance away from this beach. I think about a forest. Somewhere in that forest’s history, there was a time of one tree – the first tree. That one tree came from a seed. From that one tree came other trees – each coming from one seed.

I think about the sizes and shapes of seeds – from the tiniest orchid seed to a type of coconut containing the largest seed – seeds shaped as squares, oblong, angular, triangles, round, egg-shaped, bean-shaped, kidney-shaped, discs, and spheres. Seeds with lines and ridges – others perfectly smooth – plus found in various colors, and some even speckled.

A seed has three components – an outer protective coat, the embryo for growing into a new plant, and the food source giving the embryo and young plant its initial food source for growth – all aspects for increasing a chance for survival.

Ever notice how leaves sprout early from a seed? Yes, leaves to produce food for the young, growing plant because the initial food source in the seed is small.

Seeds hold the potential to produce something new because they contain hope and promise for something new. But not all plants use seeds for reproduction. For instance, mosses or ferns do not – but seed plants are the ones that dominate the plant world.

This thought causes me to think about our fertility – that is, the seeds within us. The promises that we hold can produce a bountiful yield.

Interesting that we refer to the sperm of human males as seeds, but in the plant world, a sperm fertilizing the egg results in a seed.

Seeds are mobile, so they must have adaptations to move them around – a method of dispersal. Some have wings to be carried by the wind. Some have barbs, burrs, or hooks to attach to fur, feathers, or even human clothing to be dropped elsewhere. Some seeds are buoyant for moving water to transport them. Freshly fruit to eat surrounds other seeds, which will become exposed and deposited elsewhere for potential growth.

I remember the large oak trees at my previous home. Each tree producing a bountiful supply of acorns – but not the same number each year. Each acorn with a coat, an embryo, and a food supply. Each acorn is the potential for a new oak tree. However, all those acorns from one tree – a culinary feast for squirrels preparing for winter – so I wonder how many of all those acorns will yield their acorns in time.

Seeds are the structure we plant in fertile soil and associate with terms such as vigor, viability, dormancy, and germination. Seeds are also a source of food, oils, cooking ingredients, flavorings, jewelry, and even deadly poisons.

Besides a simple design yielding a complex adult, the seed is also a useful metaphor.

People are hidden seeds waiting to become viable vessels of knowledge. Because every seed has the potential for a significant result, seeds are a symbol of the potential that is in each of us. Seeds are a symbol for a positive future and a symbol of the power of hope and possibility. Teachers hope to plant a seed in students – a seed that develops over time into something valued by others and society – their role in cultivating humanity.

Seeds are the ideas coming to us from thinking – the spark initiating a thought process that leads to personal action for improving life. After all, the seeds of discovery lie in the knowledge of determination through the human spirit.

I think about how each of us has a bright side and a dark side – the good seeds and the bad seeds. Seeds are a symbol for laying the groundwork for future development as planting the seed – but some use planting the seed for promoting negative feelings or a downfall.

Religions rely on the seeds of faith, but politics prefers manipulating the seeds for selfishness.

A heart contains seeds of love that are waiting to sprout a new life with that special someone.

I think about how entrepreneurs use “seed money” for starting a new business. I also remember during my youth using “bird feed” or “chicken feed” as a term for a small amount of anything – something paltry or minuscule in amount.

Seeds – that simple, interesting, incredible, and successful biological design found in nature that plays a large role in human life. I don’t recall what triggered thinking about seeds on this day, but I’m glad it happened. After all, I like walking on the beach because it is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

See what other bloggers have written about seeds

Next PostPassagewaysTuesday 1 June Wednesday 2 June @ 1 AM (Eastern US)

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126 thoughts on “80 – Seeds *”

  1. Wow, you’ve planted lots of different seeds here, Frank. Have you ever heard of the Methusaleh seed? It’s an amazing story. All seeds are miraculous to me, even after science explains them! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, and forgot to mention I’ve been following Lisa’s blog since you introduced her in a previous post. These photos here are exquisite, especially the pine cone. 🙂

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  2. Don’t you love the swish of wind through grass, dancing in the sunlight, Frank? 🙂 🙂 Fabulous images from Lisa and thank you for planting a seed or two of thought. Have a good weekend!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Jo,
      Glad to know that Lisa and I were able to plant a seed or two of thoughts. Flowing grass in the wind is captivating …. and you know I like it because that is prominent in the video. Enjoy your weekend. A 2-day holiday weekend on this side of the pond marks our society’s start of summer – but I wish I had my earmuffs with me for this morning’s walk.

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  3. Seeds are very interesting, as you have noted. Science projects involving seeds abound for budding (Seedling!) biologists. Or just for fun. My kids did them as well as I. My Dad loved to tell me of the time when I was very young, he gave me a garden plot, a few feet square, and some seeds to plant there. Of course my curiosity was endless, and I had to dig them up all the time to check on their progress. My sister still ribs me about that, LOL!

    Speaking of seeds, I have to refill my bird feeders with lots of them…and I need to plant the seeds I have for my patio garden boxes…now that frost danger is over.

    I love to gather the seed pods of various plants, such a wild flowers, to try and get them to grow in my own yard.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ingrid,
      Thanks for sharing your story about the seeds your Dad gave you . It was a learning experience because you learned that continually digging them up is not a good idea. I enjoyed filling the bird feeders at our previous home. We had a lot of activity. Then again, watching the woodpecker fleck seeds to the ground in his hunt of the ideal seed seems a bit picky – but hey – the ground birds loved it. Meanwhile, my wife enjoys harvesting the morning glory seeds for the next year.

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  4. Interesting post, Frank. We too are seeds, but capable of more growth or more destruction than any other. Or so we lead ourselves to believe.. look at weeds, and how they force themselves through any apparent barrier. I like our seeds of ideas though… they can point us in the right direction.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. The seeds of life Frank, and so wonderfully expressed in your post today… and I always enjoy ‘Enya’s’ voice, thank you for sharing … and here is my poem for you ..

    “Seeds of Survival”

    Life is a journey of discovery
    An ordained roller coaster ride
    Of crests and valleys
    And if we knew what our voyage would be
    We would not venture beyond the cabin door
    And sail the world’s unpredictable oceans
    Those stormy swallowing vortexes
    Of tsunamis and ravines

    But our passage of life is accepted
    Even though our destiny is unknown and unexpected
    Nevertheless, persevere and regenerate
    For we are the universe’s eternal seeds
    The seeds that continue to fly
    The seeds that spiritually survive

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I love your poem, Ivor. So very true! If we knew what was ahead of us we’d be afraid to venture out. Yet how many times have we headed out, ran in to unexpected challenges, only to discover the thrill of surviving!! Then in hindsight, become grateful for the unexpected challenge and the strength we acquire. 😊

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  6. Great images to illustrate this. Seeds really are the wonders of life, aren’t they? How could a massive oak come from a tiny acorn, or a feast of apples every year from a tiny pip?

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  7. There is a lot to think about with seeds–both the seeds themselves, and all the meanings of the word.

    I was going to say that I used it as a prompt word when I was hosting a quadrille Monday on dVerse. That’s the link you posted here–the prompt page, not anyone’s poem.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Enjoyable thoughts on the essence of nature, Frank. Lovely photos from Lisa.

    I love it when something grows in impossible places, like cracks in a wall.

    Enjoy the long weekend, Frank and Lisa.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. As I am a gardener, I think about seeds a lot, even though I have gotten to the stage where I buy seedlings from the local plant nursery. Truly, seeds are the stuff of life, both literally and metaphorically.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Barbara,
      Two words in your comment caught my eye – miracles and possibilities. To me, those words seem at opposite ends of the spectrum – even a bit contradictory – yet they seem to perfectly fit seeds. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and glad you enjoyed Lisa’s photos. 🙂

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  10. I, like you, wonder where the seed for this idea for a post came from. But then again, it’s like that for every single post. What sparks it? One simple idea, like a seed, and the next thing you know it’s blooming into a post.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Marc,
      I can honestly say I don’t recall what sparked the idea for this walk. I could have been food, a poem, saying, a news report, who knows – but as you stated, like a seed, something simply blooming into something special. Glad you enjoyed this stroll.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Lovely shots, Lisa. Frank, my thoughts went the same way as yours about the connections and commonalities of people and seeds. The phrase “bad seed” does make me laugh though because it reminds me of horror movies, a genre I don’t really watch much, but that use that phrase more than probably anyone else but farmers. 🙂


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  12. One of my early memories is of sitting in the grass and picking a “spent” dandelion to blow the seeds into the air and watch them float FOREVER. I didn’t at the time since I was pretty young KNOW they were seeds but more like little wind fairies flying off on an adventure. Anyway, I still smile at a field of dandelions knowing one day all those fairies will fly off to populate another colony. Guess my comment is all about ONE kind of seed (!) when you gave us so many things to think about relative to seeds. Seeds are a beginning. They are the embodiment of HOPE.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pam,
      I’m glad this walk with Lisa’s photos was able to tap into your memory bank about wind fairies. I appreciate your terminology because it’s so truthful. Besides, I understand how kids are a bit smitten by those spherical “blooms” seemingly ready for takeoff. After all, who hasn’t blown on them! Thanks for sharing!


  13. Here, we fight with the maple “helicopter” seeds. If you don’t pull those suckers out as soon as you see they have germinated, you end up with a tree in no time. When the “trunk” (more like a stem, but still) is a good 1/4-1/2″ thick, it’s already hard to pull out. And every year you find more that snuck their way in!

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  14. Birds often carry seeds and distribute them where homeowners would prefer they not. That’s why I can find baby maples growing in my flower beds. It’s also why I have a whole “crop” of Brown–Eyed Susans, which I didn’t plant, ha!

    Liked by 2 people

  15. And you have planted a seed. Thought-provoking and a little awe inspiring. Seeds have such power from such a simple beginning but they are the beginning. We all began from a seed of some kind.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Pam,
      Thanks for the kind words. The more one thinks about the seeds, the deeper thoughts go – and all are applicable. With the many wonderful comments from readers, there may be enough good ones to make a second walk about seeds! Thanks for providing yours! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  16. I think of how important it is for a seed to wind up in just the right circumstances – the right soil, enough water and sunlight, a dearth of predators (seed eaters). All those could be expanded metaphorically as well.

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  17. What a beautiful video Frank! And you shared some great thoughts on seeds and all of the ways they can impact nature and life. Seeds are quite amazing. Wonderful post 😊 Thank you for inviting me to work with you on this (although you did all the work! ),

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lisa,
      I love the scenes in the video of the flowing grasses – so for me, it fits. Glad you enjoyed it. Besides, I also enjoy Enya. Meanwhile, seeds are full of thoughts to ponder – and even more than what I’ve posted. Nonetheless, thank you for the kind words and your willingness to supply the photos. They are wonderful – so thank you once again. I also appreciate you coming up with the idea about seeds. Keep looking at the list to see what strikes you.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Reblogged this on peace of life today and commented:
    Thank you to Frank for creating this beautiful post! Frank shares some great thoughts on “seeds” and how they impact life and nature. I was honored, Frank, that you shared my photos in your Beach Walk thoughts on seeds.

    I have followed Frank’s blog for quite some time now and always enjoy reading about his Beach Walk thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. love this Frank and THANKS LISA!!!….
    “I think about how each of us has a bright side and a dark side – the good seeds and the bad seeds. Seeds are a symbol for laying the groundwork for future development as planting the seed – but some use planting the seed for promoting negative feelings or a downfall”.

    the love hate of the volunteers. ❣️💖

    Liked by 2 people

  20. Well there you go again Frank, showing us how many ways we can think about a simple concept – not so simple after all!! Almost missed this one for some reason, but Lisa’s post reminded me to come back. Her images are wonderful as always and work perfectly with your thoughts. Well done!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Tina,
      Thank you … you are too kind. When I focus on a topic, it is interesting how sometimes I hit a brick wall, and other times thoughts go easily beyond the obvious. And who knows what served as the trigger allowing that to happen. Glad you also enjoyed Lisa’s wonderful pictures … and she made it work!

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  21. Seeds are the gateway to future generations of life. I’ve been studying them near my dad’s who I’ve been visiting. With recent rains seeds have burst forward to display foliage and blooms as well as pinecones from trees. It’s all so exciting to see new life springing forward. And a tip of the hat to your friend, Lisa who’s images are just breathtaking. Well done you two!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! 😊 Frank does all the work! I never realized how many nature photos I had of seeds until I started looking for Frank’s post! Seeds are everywhere. And we are very grateful for them.

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    2. Monika,
      Seeds are so simple yet produce something that is so complex. It is fascinating …. especially with water serving as the key to jumpstart the process. Of course, in your area fire (amazingly so) also plays a role. Cheers to enjoying Lisa’s outstanding pictures!

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  22. This made me think of science lessons, where we had to dissect seeds and sketch out their structures and study their dispersal mechanisms. Seeds are also yummy, I love multiseeded bread and whacking some mixed seeds into a salad 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Steve,
      Glad this post took you back to your science class days. When in comes to edible seeds, wow … that’s a long list in itself. Breads seeded with poppy, sesame, and seeds of various grains come to mind. Everybody knows ch-ch-ch-chia. …. let alone sunflower and pumpkins seeds, plus countless beans and nuts. But now I’m hungry.

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  23. A wonderful reflection and thoughts on seeds, Frank! I love butterflies. Feeling sad about the near extinction of Monarch, at least on the west coast, I wanted to create a butterfly garden. I planted some milkweed seeds late last year. They didn’t grow too big before winter. When spring is almost over this year and still didn’t see some of them coming back, I thought they were dead. They didn’t. They came back, almost all 15 or so that I planted. They grew to three to eight inches tall. A female Monarch recognized the plants and laid eggs on them. Now I have quite a few caterpillars.

    My joy came from those seed of milkweed I planted last year. I waited, and I was not disappointed. In a month or so, I should see at least a few Monarch butterflies. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Miriam,
      Glad you enjoyed my thoughts about seeds, which turned into a much deeper topic than I would have imagined. What a wonderful story about your relationship with Monarch butterflies. They are glorious with a fascinating story. I recall seeing an Omnimax film about their journey. Fascinating. Cheers to success with your milkweed!

      Liked by 1 person

  24. All fab reflections, Frank!
    You can’t remember how the seeds idea came to you?
    Maybe, as you walked upon the sand, the grains felt like miniature seeds, and a seed of the idea was planted in your brain. Perhaps then the planted idea grew sprouts, and all this fruit was born!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Resa,
      I must say, as I walk and my thoughts deepen, the process is (to me) very seed-like. Yes – the idea gets planted, thoughts sprout, roots take the thoughts deeper while also firmly anchoring the idea. How the idea happens is an entirely different thing. Maybe I had just read a poem about seeds, or read an article about them … who knows. However, I’ve learned that keeping a list of topic ideas is a good thing. 🙂

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