106 – Science

Click the video above for 2 minutes of background waves while reading.

I like walking on the beach. It is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

Looking across the water, I think about people like Jacques Costeau and Robert Ballard – two scientists who worked in the sea. Yes, two men of science – that process-based discipline that more and more people day seem to question because they think science is an opinion, which just so happens to conflict with their opinion.

Photo by Chokniti Khongchum on Pexels.com

To me, science is the search for the explanation of what we observe in nature. It’s a simple definition, but four important words provide the what, why, how, and where of science: search, explanation, observe, and nature.

Nature is science’s playfield – a field with boundaries, willing participants, accepted methodologies, and rules that include referees.

Nature includes the air that is home to feathered flight and buzzing insects. The air carries the symphonies of natural sounds and a variety of scents – parts of nature’s beauty beyond the visual allow us to get lost and to become aware. Ahhhh … the air of a beach walk is an elixir.

Science is a study requiring a conscious mind that observes, inquirers, organizes, interprets, and understands – plus a willingness to follow acceptable methodologies while staying within nature’s boundaries.

Science is an impersonal human study of materials, processes, and forces to find patterns, structure, connections, and history within nature so we can better understand the natural world, our place in this world, and ourselves.

Science uses our senses to gather data with technology serving as an extension of our senses.

Science establishes questions of truth through observation, experimentation, and testing. Yet, there are no absolutes in science because all issues are open to retesting and reconsideration.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Science requires scientists to report their findings so others can verify or discount the work, results, and conclusion. A method of verification by peers requires a rigorous examination before it is accepted.

Science is about facts in nature, not about personal opinions or preferences. Science demands evidence. Science explains and predicts, yet is not authoritarian. Science makes the world understandable to those who want to know.

Science gives us theories – explanations of a concept based on a large amount of evidence that has been extensively tested and observed in nature. Therefore, any scientific theory is well beyond a personal opinion or a detective’s hunch.

Science is a way of knowing – a window into the world. But science is not the only way of knowing nor the only window. Science does not corner the way to the truth about everything because there are many windows through which we humans search for meaning. Philosophical, theological, psychological/emotional, ethical, political, and historical views provide additional perspectives, yet each discipline is selective and limited. Science is one of those windows that allow us to see further and more clearly. Science takes us into areas that were at one time beyond human knowledge.

Science makes us wonder and think, which is something I do on the beach. After all, I like walking on the beach because it is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

See what other bloggers have posted about Science

Next Post: Wisdom – Saturday 22nd January @ 1 AM (Eastern US)

104 thoughts on “106 – Science”

    1. My daughter teaches 6th grade science! I’ll share this video with her as well. Excellent explanation of Science, Frank; science is not an opinion, it’s a study, an exploration, of what the world can teach us if we measure, hypothesize, study, reflect and research. Science teaches us how much life is a miracle in ALL of its biology and chemistry. Kudos, Frank!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Pam,
        Can’t agree more – science is not an opinion. Nor is it like a buffet line where one picks and chooses. That is, I ‘ll believe this and that, little here on the side, but oh no – I don’t like that stuff. Thanks for sharing wonderful thoughts. Let me know what your daughter thinks of the video.

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Science is very intriguing, to me at any rate. So simple and SO complicated art the same time. I have always been interested in the things of nature, the world around us and hence: science. Thhere are various aspects/genres of science, but I tend to gravitate to the more ‘real’ ones such as biology and botany, geology and so on. Chemistry to a certain degree…but lets not discuss physics or math; at least the more complicated sides of that…algebra and the like…totally lost! My sons and hubby feed off of that stuff, and they are not too science oriented as I am. Go figure. That’s why the three of them are engineers of varying sorts, while I am in health care. LOL!
    Nowadays though I get to wondering how did science get so politicized? (Such as the ongoing issue of Covid…)

    Someone once told me that cooking is a science too…you take the things of nature, apply chemistry and physics, perhaps some math, and then you get your yummy concoction!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ingrid,
      You provided many tasting tidbits about science in your life. (I had to feed off of your last comment about cooking, which is so true). Interesting how you gravitate to toward the more concrete sciences as biology and geology, whereas the males in your life the more abstract as chemistry and physics. Yet, those are the sciences that your sciences are based upon. Interesting how it all fits together.

      How science is politicized today around Covid is nuts. Then again, picking and choosing sciences based on personal values as politics and religion is not new. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


  2. Science is endlessly fascinating…..not sure you could EVER become bored pursuing the questions that come to mind when reading a fact of science. It goes in every direction and reaches amazing conclusions. I like that.


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  3. The number of people who do not understand what science means and who do not understand what the scientific process involves drives me crazy. Even worse, so many revel in their ignorance. I know it’s part of an anti-intellectual strain that has always existed here, but now it’s spread on social media. I agree with one spoiled cat, science is endlessly fascinating!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. ” . . . the air of a beach walk is an elixir.” I love the way you turn a phrase Frank. I can smell the air in my mind and feel the gentle whisper of the wind on my face when I read that word. It truly is an elixir. I think the most important words in science are: “I do not know”. And that leads them to the journey to find out the truth. Some people can’t handle the truth.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pam,
      Thanks for the kind words, and glad to know that I was able to deliver the elixir to you. Agree – “I don’t know” is such a great phrase and applicable to many aspects of life. During my teaching days, I had no problem saying it. Bluffing isn’t a good thing. Some people definitely can’t handle the truth – so they decide to keep believing a falsehood. Unfortuantely, they are the only ones who can correct that fallacy.

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  5. Excellent post! And you are so right. Too many people don’t understand the process—that facts do matter; that in the process of scientific enquiry we learn and know more than we once did; that we need to keep asking questions.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Laurie,
      Thank you for your kind words. Although it’s nothing new, but the past two years have really brought your point to the forefront. If people understood science, they would understand why the CDC adjusts their position – let alone of politicizing science It’s an unfortunate, sad state of affairs.


    1. Dan,
      Thanks for letting me know a line that touched you. That is so true. Not sure if it is more often today or just more noticed because of instant news and thoughts. I think about a person I know – one supporting science as long as it doesn’t conflict with his religious or political paradigm. To me, he doesn’t believe in science.

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    1. Ally,
      Welcome to the team! 🙂 I actually heard a person who I know well say that direct observation is not science because it’s not an experiment. Geez …. I’m a firm believe in that agree v disagree is different than right v wrong, but that person was definitely wrong.

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  6. Thank goodness for the rational observational minds of scientists who rigorously study phenomenon. I am also thrilled that this can co-exist peacefully with the spiritual perspectives.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kathy,
      “Rational” is another great word about science. Thanks for adding that. I agree that science does co-exist peacefully with spirituality. Well, at least in the mind of the majority. That topic in itself is a fascinating study – one that I enjoyed for 4-5 years of a deep dive.

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      1. I studied Microbiology and Biochemistry at university and ended up working in labs (and eventually running them) my whole life. I’ve done research on and custom-created animal vaccines, tested the food we eat for its safety and purity, and finished my career managing a lab that tested milk from individual dairy cows for components and health markers including pregnancy. I’ve also set up and run PCR tests involving DNA and RNA. I know a bit more than laypeople about immunology and how vaccines work, and the misinformation that is being spread by some is frightening and irresponsible. Get vaxxed, people!!!!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thanks for sharing a bit of your background. You made me smile, and your endorsement of this walk just became more powerful. Finding out more about the blogger is interesting because that person is much more than the one behind the words – the host. Thank you for sharing and for your Public Service Announcement about vaccinations.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Masercot,
      Engineering may not be a science, but it is one of the great examples of an applied science – a field established and using the principles of science. Thanks for sharing. … but I wonder if mathematics is the science studying infinity …… hmmmmm ….. BTW …. For some reason I’m thinking Charles your correct name?


  7. Ah what an interesting topic you chose to think of on a beach walk. Everything we see, experience, perceive is a science at work, science may or may not be able to explain all of it yet. The possibilities are limitless for what can come to be with the advancements of science.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. PD,
      There is no question that science cannot answer. I like to think that science has boundaries, just like a sport – a field of play – and somethings are out of bounds However, even within the boundaries, the possibilities of exploration to explain seems limitless. Thanks for sharing.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Very interesting, Frank. Thank you for explaining this so even those of us who aren’t scientists can understand it. A most enjoyable walk, my friend (way better on your beach than the frigid temps we’ve got going on here!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Debbie,
      Thank you for the support. Your affirmation that this is an easy-to-understanding view of science is important to me because that is what I tried to do. Sometimes, explanations go too deep into the weeds. Oh – that has a place – but there is an important key to me – Know the audience! Again, thank you! …. Meanwhile, stay warm up there!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Eilene,
      Science is definitely not opinion, but scientists can have opinions about the science. They argue among themselves about fine details, but knowing future evidence will settle the debate – then on to another one. Meanwhile, there are scientists who use science to be anti religion. For me, they are entitled to an opinion, but that opinion isn’t science because it is outside the boundaries of science.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Nico,
      “The poetry of reality” is a wonderful phrase worth pondering because it goes very deep. Then again, science itself is deep – and definitely not superficial. Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you enjoyed the video. The Symphony of Science series is excellent.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Another great read of your thoughts dear Frank.. I quite enjoyed science in my school years, that and History were among my favourites..
    Sadly however I feel let down by both recently…
    So your words here were the ones which resonated with me greatly dear Frank…

    “Science is a study requiring a conscious mind that observes, inquirers, organizes, interprets, and understands – plus a willingness to follow acceptable methodologies while staying within nature’s boundaries.”

    I am sad, that Science has disrespected many of Natures natural boundaries… In its own pursuits of powerful control.. As it crosses the line in ethics as it thinks its greater than God in its creations…

    Your thoughtful muse Frank with the music had me breathing deeply the clear ocean air you shared..
    “Ahhhh … the air of a beach walk is an elixir.”
    Thank you for your magic Elixir dear Frank…. We need those deep breaths in fresh open thoughts to take us forward along our walks in New Earth’s Creation..
    Much love and gratitude ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sue,
      Thanks for your kind words and for sharing your thoughts. Ethics in itself is not within science, but a conversation within humanity. Knowledge is one thing, but use of the knowledge is another. Not long ago I listened to an interview with a geneticist. I wish I could recall her words, but I recall being intrigued the way she described the ethical dilemma. She stated it so well, and definitely not a broad generalization that misses the point. Oh well … I can’t recall. 😦

      Liked by 1 person

      1. “Knowledge is one thing, but use of the knowledge is another.”,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Exactly…. Not all use of knowledge is done with integrity… Maybe that word ‘Integrity’ was what I meant when I said Ethics.. 🙂


  10. On an educational level I don’t have a very thorough science background and limited specific understanding, but I guess the easiest way to say it is I respect science, and the scientists who work to advance discovery in all areas. i may tap into science more on the level of what I am capable of observing, and I am intrigued with the natural sciences. I would add naturalist Rachel Carson as an early pioneer in environmental science as a person I admire. But there are so many, and I really appreciate what you’ve shared here, Frank.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Debra,
      Thanks for sharing a bit about science in your life. I also know learning is important to you – so you process info like in this walk. Cheers for your appreciation for science plus Rachel Carson. She is a legend, and I’ve got the believe you have read some of her work.

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      1. I do have many of her books, Frank. Like so many scientists, she was able to forecast some of the environmental emergencies we have today. I often wonder what it would be like to have so much knowledge and yet have to fight for acceptance and understanding. I suppose that’s in part why I say I respect scientists.

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  11. Yes, it’s strange. Some folks think that science is a belief system, but it’s simply a methodology for studying, observing, testing and attempting to explain the world around us in as objective a manner as possible.

    It’s an iterative process that requires time, adequate resources and funding, collaboration and constant revision. Scientists formulate a theory or model then test it, revise it accordingly and test it again and again and again. Science builds upon science, and as such our understanding of the world and universe gradually evolves.

    And it allows us to build cool stuff and formulate life-changing medicine 😁

    Liked by 2 people

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