130 – Keys

Click the video above for 2 minutes of background waves while reading.

I like walking on the beach. It is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet. 

It’s interesting how my topics came to be. Something that seems like metal in the sand caught my eye – tarnished and grimed. it’s a key. Because the style is more modern, I doubt it matches a sunken treasure chest. As I was deposing it in a trash can, I noticed the elastic band around my wrist with the condo key. Bingo! I have my thought for the day. 

Key – the small piece of metal shaped with specific cuts to act as a code to a specific lock.

Key – an implement used to fit a hole or a space designed to let something in or out. 

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on Pexels.com

I think places for keys – to a house, a room, a lock, a bank box, a cabinet, locker, door, chest, a locket, or many personal spaces. We commonly think of car keys, house keys, master keys, and skeleton keys. Each of these keys corresponds to locks, padlocks, deadbolts, doors, and more. There are other key types, such as locks with numbers, tumblers, and even electronic signatures. 

Thoughts of keys take me back to my teaching days – especially thinking about the custodian possessing a large number of keys. Who knows how many times I went to them to open my classroom because I locked my keys inside.  

Today’s keys are also numerical combinations, passcodes, keycards, fobs, and even username and password because they are all keys allowing entry into a reserved personal space. Keys are more than something on a ring because they can be individual letters, numbers, or symbols on a keyboard.

Everyone doesn’t receive a key. After all, possessing a key is a sign of trust to protect personal possessions while having privileged access to something valued. It’s a good feeling when holding a master key – the one key for many locks. 

Photo by George Becker on Pexels.com

I chuckle thinking about the role keys play in protecting and securing life, but then laugh at the ease of a locksmith getting around the security system of locks. 

While one seagull uses its peak to shred flesh from a dead fish carcass, I see another seagull using its beak to pry open a clam to get food. The beak unlocks the clam’s private place. Yes – a seagull’s beak is a key. 

Looking at the water, I only see the surface. Maybe the surface is the door – the key to understanding what lies below – a way of getting there and having the background knowledge to understand that world.

Maybe the sea is an unlocked door – an invitation to those who want to know – or even dare to enter – but are keys required? I say yes. Oceanographers need to integrate knowledge from different disciplines – biology, geology, hydrology, physics, ecology, meteorology, climatology, and probably more – all to understand the processes of the marine underworld, their interrelationships, and how they fit together.

While a locket has a keyhole leading to the heart, the key to unlocking the heart is unique to the person. Some people want intellect – others humor – others physical beauty to have eye candy by their side. Niceness, trust, honesty, sincerity, generosity, and empathy toward others are important to people – but perhaps as a numerical code, in different combinations for different people. 

Photo by Giallo on Pexels.com

Keys are associated with music. Keys can be the levers for the fingers to depress on a piano, organ, flute, clarinet, accordion, and more. Keys can be the group of notes comprising a scale delivering the music’s mood and spirit.

Key is the answers to a test, quiz, questions, exercises, or problems. Key is a legend on a map, table, and graph explaining symbols and colors. The key on a basketball court is the marked area near each basket, including the foul line and the free-throw circle.

Key is of utmost importance – the critical, essential, fundamental, important, leading, main, principle, significant factors to a topic; such as the keys to designing, health, leadership, marriage, success, personal growth, personal wealth, relationships, and many more. 

Keys to a good decision involve looking at all the possibilities. Occasionally, time is lacking for a complete analysis – so we seek advice from someone who knows or has prior experience – an expert. 

As a ballroom dancer, I believe the keys to a successful dance are connection, timing, and chemistry. The connection with the partners is through contact points – hands, shoulders, legs, and hips. Dancers hope for clean signals and responses to them. Good connections enable clear signals. Some connect through their mind and soul – that’s chemistry. Movements to the timing and rhythms of the music are also important keys.

Vintners know the keys to making fine wine, brewers know the keys to producing a high-quality beer, and chefs know the keys to delivering a particular taste in a meal – well, at least for those who take time to taste what they eat and drink.

Photo by Ana Madeleine Uribe on Pexels.com

Commentators identify the keys to the game – what each team needs to do to achieve the win – keys for a victory – their success. The key for a new product is design and application for people – yet what good is it if there is no use. But another key may be the marketing plan of getting the word out – let alone the overall business plan.

Thinking about keys has been an interesting journey because keys have a powerful meaning – most commonly around security, access, and importance. I remind myself of the times when my keys were misplaced – and the frantic feeling that follows – looking over and over. 

But now, I think about the keys to a good beach walk: a reasonable temperature, a refreshing breeze, firmly-packed relatively-level sand, and a good distance. All those in this place today. No wonder I like walking on the beach because it is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet. 

See what other bloggers have posted about Information

Next Post: Math – Wednesday 18th May @ 1 AM (Eastern US)

83 thoughts on “130 – Keys”

  1. Keys are complex, Frank. Even more so when you look at them in depth… but looking at things in depth is the key to great knowledge! 🙂
    Happy Saturday!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. What an insightful post, my friend! You got me thinking that the existence of the word ‘key’, actually blocks our free access to everything. Phrases like “key to happiness” or “unlock the such & such” etc are themselves impediments stating that we don’t have access. Hmmm….
    Yamas, my friend and here’s to not having to use a key, at least spiritually to start with! 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I keep the keys on my piano very busy, Frank. I do have a key to lock the cover for the keys, but never use it, as the keyboard has to always be accessible. My husband’s very old clock which he inherited from his grandfather had a very ornate key, but when we got the clock back from the repair man, the fancy key had been replaced with a plain one and of course he had no idea what had happened to the original. I’ve always had my suspicions about that and think about it every time I wind up the clock. An interesting post as always. Happy weekend to you. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cheryl,
      Thanks for your wonderful comment. Expanding thought beyond the obvious is one thing I like to do. A checkmark for mission accomplished. Glad you enjoyed the video. When I found it, I knew I had to use it somewhere. The music + the scenes = wonderful relaxation. 🙂


  4. In the weird synchronicity department, I just wrote something (not poetry or on my blog) that used the word key.
    A fun post, Frank! Were you well-known for locking your keys in your room? 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Merril,
      Cheers to another synchronous moment!!!! I’ve had more than a few! 🙂 I was one who kept the classroom door locked … of course,, the downside is it I left the room without my keys. Well known for that? No … but after many years, I know it did it enough times.

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  5. What a fascinating topic. I have kept a box of keys for many, many years because each one has a story and that story is part of my history. I think I need to go back and look at my keys…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pam.
      How interesting! Everyone has a story that is told in different ways. Sometimes it’s through the stuff we keep …. I chuckle because you may recall the George Carlin’s “Stuff” routine I posted at Sorryless. I also know this type of thing is in an upcoming walk (something this summer) titled “Hold”. Thanks for sharing! …. Maybe your keys will spark a Wednesday poem!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. And don’t forget Francis Scott Key. Then there’s a keyboard, which isn’t the small rack my husband made to hold his keys, and a keynote speaker who we hope holds the key to useful information. Finally, as Charles Dickens once said, “A very little key will open a very heavy door.”
    ― Charles Dickens, Hunted Down



    Liked by 1 person

  7. This is one unique beachwalk topic indeed – and I didn’t imagine it unfolding in these many different ways. Your post covered them all – I enjoyed reading with intrerest and enjoyment. A bunch of keys for a household literally holds complete lifestyle together. I loved this – the sea is an unlocked door – and agreed with your perspective.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. PD,
      Thank you for walking along and for the kind words. With most of my topics, I try to think beyond the obvious. Because they opened my mind, I hope to do the same to others. Keys as an essential component/foundation (as in keys to good health, keys to successful businesses, etc), are more than a multitude – but I had to touch upon them. Glad you enjoyed this walk.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. After my mother died I found her locked diary from her teen years, but no key! After contemplating the situation for several months my curiosity won out and I finally cut it open. It was fascinating reading even though the content was pretty run-of-the-mill.

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  9. Excellent post on keys dear Frank . The most important Key I’ve ever found in the Key to opening up one’s self.
    Once that door is unlocked, the world around begins to take on a new perspective..
    And the views inside and outside well worth exploring..
    Brilliantly scripted Frank.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. It is fascinating how words evolve over the decades and centuries and can take on many different meanings. In data science/computing, you also have the concept of key-value pairs as system for storing and retrieving data.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Eileen,
      Thank you. Keys turned out to be an interesting word …. and who knows how many aspects of keys didn’t come to me. Someone mentioned I didn’t keys as in the Florida Keys. Interestingly, this walk involved walking on a key. I could I miss that! 😉

      Liked by 2 people

  11. A most interesting read, Frank. And what about the keys to good health? Such as exercise, eating right, keeping stress at bay, and laughter? Oh, and probably a nice stroll along the beach now and then, too! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I am happy to report that all my keys seem to be functional and helpful…
    I have a lot of those skeleton keys…some were in my Dad’s stuff I got, and others were in the house we now live in, as the doors were old and that was the then way of locking them up. Now we have modern doors and locks…thankfully all keyed the same!

    The Keys to The Kingdom…that came to my mind too as I was reading this…LOL!

    My father used special keys to wind up clocks, I have all of those now too! Now every time see them, I will think of this great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Good one, Frank!
    So, I’m surprised you did not mention keys…as in the Florida Keys. “Maybe the surface is the door – the key to understanding what lies below ” – Maybe a key is the key to that below?

    I read twice, so if I missed the key, well, I’m not that great a reader.

    When I was in college, long ago, I lived in a high rise apt. building. When I moved out, I handed in my key. The new custodian of the building went pale, and asked where I got this key? I replied that it was the key given to me when I moved in. Turns out I had a master key for the entire building.
    LOL – You’d have thought I would have caught on, when one day I inadvertently got off the elevator on the wrong floor. I went to my apartment’s door, opened it and was shocked.Someone had been there, and replaced all my furniture, dishes…everything.
    It took me a good 10 minutes to realize I was in the apartment below mine.
    I never questioned that the key opened the door that wasn’t mine.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my goodness. What a bummer that Frank missed this comment! How hilarious that you had the master key and didn’t know it. Imagine the havoc that could have been wreaked if you were not an honest gal 😉

      Liked by 2 people

        1. I think he just missed you (I know it happens, which is why I’ll go back and see).
          Which would be all kinds of wrong as you didn’t even know you had it!

          Liked by 2 people

    2. Resa,
      LMAO … Good one. This is one of the best stories ever shared! Then to not realize it for at least 10 minutes! You had to be under the influence!!!! Thanks for sharing the moment! Not only did I not include the Florida Keys, I probably thought about this topic while walking on a key!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hahahaha!
        re: walking on a key!

        Frank, the place was much more well furnished than mine. I was probably under the influence of HOPE!
        Hope that someone had come and redecorated while I was gone. I just couldn’t figure who?

        Liked by 1 person

  14. I commented this week to my co-teacher about the brass ring on the Merry-Go-Round. She had no idea what it was, and we talked about keys. That brass ring was a key. A key opens the door to imagination, a new world, and maybe the secrets of life. You only need the key to unlock what is inside, and the key is right there- you just have to look.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Frank – I just love the way you explored the KEYS theme – and did expect the Florida keys to come up (and read that you were on a key – so that is cool)

    Liked the dancing connection and your teaching days (Oh I remember the huge vat of keys some folks carried) and I also laugh when a locksmith is able to do what they do….
    lastly, loved this modern connection:
    “Today’s keys are also numerical combinations, passcodes, keycards, fobs, and even username and password because they are all keys allowing entry into a reserved personal space.”
    and when I did some work training a few years ago – about security with emails and technology – the trainer used the term “keys to the kingdom” referring to if they access your master info they have access to everything else (keys to kingdom) – something like that

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yvette,
      Thanks for the kind words about this walk. Once I was able to think beyond the obvious about keys, the rest came easy. If I correctly recall, I even had to cut this one back. “Keys to the kingdom” in terms of technology security – oh that’s a good phrase to use! Thanks for sharing

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Thank you Frank for honourable mention … and I must admit that I’m absolutely hopeless with “Keys” … I often leave my house keys behind and pull the door shut …. now I have a garage in the front garden, so I can access a hidden house key in the garage … and I absent mindedly often leave my carkeys in the ignition !!… not good !!


  17. How many of us have at least one key on our keychain that we have zero memory of what it’s for? I know I do!
    Lovely music, too.


  18. I am a little late to land on your very special post, Frank, but the key to staying current with blog reading is not to get so behind! You’ve really provided a strong backdrop for thinking of how understanding the world around us needs to be decoded using the keys we accumulate across the lifetime. 🙂


  19. Frank, this made me think of my key ring. It has a special commemorative cloth fob that says “ESPN25” in honor of what was their 25th year of operation. ESPN will be 43 years old in September…so my math skills tell me I’ve had this key ring/fob about 18 years now. They have travelled with me all this time, have never let me down, and while the keys have certainly changed over the years the ring and fob have not. Good companions, I think. 🙂

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