232 – Ripples

It’s time for a blog break because blog breaks are good. I foresee this break being most of June, therefore anticipating a return sometime in July. Meanwhile, be well and be safe.

Click the video above for several minutes of background waves while reading.

I like walking on the beach. It is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

From the balcony high above the sand, the sea is a seemingly endless line of waves as gentle ripples across the water. It’s even better when the rays of sunshine on a cloudless day because the ripples transform the sunlight into a sea of sparkling diamonds.

Today I’m pondering ripples. Thinking about ripples brings other terms to mind, such as wavy, ridges, creases, and wrinkles – but this is the only time I’ll mention the rippling skin of aging. 

Ripples of water are always present on the sea – especially on a day when the wind is mild, the sea is calm, and the sun is bright on a clear day. On those days, the sound of the waves coming to shore is far from ferocious – sounding more like gentle laps. In some ways, those days are eerie because they are abnormal – but they are never as gentle as the ripples coming ashore at a lake or a river.

I love a calm sea at low tide. The waves break far off-shore, then easily ripple to the shore to the tune of gentile swishes. This is extra precious when I encounter this on an early morning stroll to catch the sunrise.

I think of ripples as the small waves caused by tossing a small stone into the water- especially into a still lake, a small pond, or a calm river. The falling rock forms magical concentric rings worth pondering. That reminds me of skilled Olympic divers smoothly entering the water and minimizing splash by creating only ripples.

Visit Robin at Breezes at Dawn

Looking into the shallow water near the shoreline at the sandy bottom, I see ripples of sand appearing as wavy ridges. I’m sure water’s ability to bend (refract) light influences what I see, but I know the sand ridges are real. They seem to mimic the flowing water – ripples of sand collecting the moving sand carried by the ripples of water. 

I notice this beach isn’t flat – but a slight, gentle roll. Away from the shoreline, the rolls are more pronounced and protected with sea oats and shrubs. My first thought is that these are ridges of sand, but then I realize they are large ripples on the vast landscape of this beach.

Because a stretch of soft, soupy sand is difficult to walk, I move away from the shoreline to find firm sand. I find an area that is slightly lower than the surrounding sand. I imagine water must have pooled here, and then the wind blows over the water causing it to ripple. As the water evaporates and percolates downward, the rippling water leaves ripples of sand as evidence to ponder. That’s only my guess because I don’t know the actual reason.

While thinking about ripples, I look to the sky. The puffy white clouds catch my eye as I notice their ripples. The ripples seem absent in the wispy streaks higher in the sky. I suddenly flash back to yesterday and the heavy cloud banks that dominated the sky. The lower surface of the clouds appeared as waves mimicking the water’s surface. I wonder: Is the wind matching the ripples across two surfaces?

Reaching the rocky point, more people than usual are here. A few are fishing, while others enjoy a beach day – and some are beach walkers like me. Looking around, I notice a different set of ripples. The hair of some people is wavy, which (to me) is a softer look than curly. Is wavy hair ripples?

One person is flying a kite – and the ripples of the kite’s tail are obvious. Beyond the rocks, a small pleasure boat is returning from the sea. Given a no-wake zone, the boat causes ripples of small waves to move across the channel.

Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels.com

As I begin my return trip, my mind continues churning about ripples. Although today is a sunny day, everyone uses occasional ripples across a puddle as a sign of raindrops. I chuckle thinking about needing to iron wrinkled clothing to remove the ripples.

Thoughts about ridges led me to ponder ripples – and it worked. Then again, the human brain maximizes serendipitous moments with thoughts. Just another reason why I like to walk on the beach; which is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.  

I’m linking to Jo’s Monday Walk to Setenil de Las Bodegas. Tell her I sent you.

See what other bloggers have posted about Ripples

Next Post: Solitude – a future Saturday in July @ 1 AM (Eastern US)

87 thoughts on “232 – Ripples”

  1. What a lovely, gentle post to accompany my morning cuppa, Frank. I was lulled by those ripples, as I often am at the shoreline. Just yesterday, in fact, our walk involved a stretch of beach and two different boat rides. The concentric rings from a dropped stone always fascinate me. Gentile swishes, Frank? A slip of pen. Thanks so much for joining me again. Have a wonderful break!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jo,
      Your morning setting with a cuppa while reading this essay is the reason for my posting time … so you caused a smile at this end. There’s something about the gentle laps of water that capture me … especially the gentle laps of rivers and large lakes. On rare occasions the sea is that way, but I also enjoy the easy sounds that I occasionally catch at low tide. Meanwhile, I’ve got the feeling you will be sharing your recent walk … well, as long as you include the culinary treat you had after the walk. Enjoy your weekend.


      1. Yesterday was a very full day culminating in a brilliant open air concert, Frank. We ate in a Chinese restaurant for supper. Can I interest you in apple fritters and ice-cream? Enjoy your break, hon 🤣💙

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  2. Lovely post of ripples, sea, shores, lakes so close to my heart, so this resonates with me. Ripples of life was first thing I thought of when I read this, how they slowly spread across my life from the past and from new people in my life. Have a wonderful break, I am on a semi break 😀 no energy to be as active as I was while back.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ritva,
      Cheers to another person enjoying rippling water. I like your metaphor of ripples in life – especially because I wish I would have come up with something similar! Meanwhile, enjoy your semi-blog break because blog breaks are good.


  3. I think the wind might be moving te soft sand into the ripples as well, like the way it does to snow; since drifts are a kind of larger ripple.

    I like looking at very old glass, because it actually has ripples in it too. (Glass is actually a liquid!) Our house still had the original 1905 windows in it, and the difference when we put newer ones in in 2007 was quite noticeable!

    Sound waves are ripples too…

    Thanks for an interesting post!

    BTW, years ago, 1977, I think, some one I knew was doing a thesis on what kind of energy happens when a drop of water hits the surface of still water…he was researching something for physics. His slow motion pictures and at very close range were amazing!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ingrid,
      Glad you enjoyed this stroll about Ripples. The images from your friends thesis stuck with you, which shows their impact! I knew I had to include the thought and image, too! Good addition of sound waves as ripples – which I’m surprised I didn’t include! The ripples in old glass made me smile because that’s a thought that I’ve seen many times. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend.


  4. Reading the comments I found my own thoughts in several people’s words – ripples of life for instance some are larger ripples and almost waves that attempt to knock us down rather than “tickle our ankles” gently. Ripples in time – smooth sailing or rough waters. My primary thought though after reading this post of yours is that I’m hoping you have a wonderful BREAK. I need one. I will find it I’m sure……see you in July!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pam,
      Thanks for chiming in on something I shouldn’t have missed – ripples of life. I like you thoughts … plus the other one – ripples of time with a good water analogy. Blog breaks are good – so I recommend one for you. Your regulars will wait for you. 🙂


  5. I hope you enjoy your break, Frank. You got me thinking of ripples in a philosophical way and then in the end the word ‘ridges’ brought me back to a bag of Ruffles potato chips. Quite a trip this morning. Thanks.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Well heck Frank, my comments have already been expressed by other readers. My first thought was the ripples of life, and I have seen a lot of those. Some were good, some not so much. Then I equated your ripples with my wrinkles. My skin is beginning to resemble corduroy!

    No surprise here that this was another enjoyable stroll on the beach with you. Good for you to be taking a break from blogging. Hope you and your bride have some fun plans in the works that include a lot of relaxation.

    See ya in July!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ginger,
      So many readers mentioning the ripples of life – which is something I missed!!!! But your skin and corduroy analogy made me laugh. Meanwhile, it took me a while to learn it, but “blog breaks are good” has been one of my blogging mantras for many years. See you on the return. 🙂


  7. First of all, enjoy your break. Breaks are good, although I find it difficult to take one and since I won’t be going to Wyoming this summer, I won’t have that vacation break. You left us with a lovely, relaxing sort of post because to me at least, imagining those various ripples is relaxing. I also thought of the ripply feeling you get when walking on the sand and the water retreats, pulling a bit of the sand out from under your feet. It’s a cool feeling.

    I also thought of the ripples we create in life, whether good or bad. One action or word can cause all sort of ripples!

    Again, have a wonderful break and I’ll look forward to reading about what you thought when you return refreshed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Janet,
      Ripples are a great feeling …. and rippling water is so calming! I can’t believe I didn’t capture the ripples of life. What was I thinking! Oh well … blog breaks are good, and they don’t have to involve time away from away. So make sure you take one!


  8. You always send ripples up the spine and through lineages of time reminding me that what we put out in our world comes back to us. Have a wonderful break and allow some of the many ways you give come back to you for restoration and joy💗

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Cindy,
      Wow … special thanks for the extra kind words about what I do here. Ripples are definitely around us in life – and I’m kicking myself for not including the ripples of time in life. Then again, as one blogger told me, I can’t think of everything. 🙂 No matter what I do, blog breaks are good.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh I’m so glad I could contribute something for your vacation as you float off. No kicking yourself allowed.. or you’ll have to come for a session.. lol. t’s all good … I’ve no doubt you’ll have lots more coming back at you on vacation.. Have fun.. and yes, they’re good🙌🏽💓

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  9. Frank, I always love watching ripples in the water no matter whether it is on a bird bath or an ocean. It reminds me not only how fluid water is, but life itself. Lots of ups and downs, all merging together. Enjoy your June, sir!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bruce,
      Cheers to you for enjoying ripples of water. Good point about the water doesn’t have to be a river, lake, pond, or stream. Even the raindrops causing ripples in puddles. By the way, a heads up to you. I’m posting at Sorryless next Saturday and I’ll be mentioning you!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. There’s something both transcendent and relaxing about watching ripples. You might remember I had a mourning ritual after my mom died where I would toss a stone into the river and watch the ripples.

    Enjoy your break, Frank!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I Loved all of those ripples Frank…. Ripples can also be words and kind deeds.. Each rippling out… Our thoughts and actions each rippling out to affect others as one kind deed affects another perhaps prompting a chain reaction..

    I have long believed in Ripples passing from person to person… Keep spreading your wonderful ripples Frank.. The world needs more of them.. ❤ 🙏💖

    Liked by 1 person

  12. These are lovely thoughts, Frank. I tend to find ripples mesmerizing, whether they result from the wind, a pebble tossed into a small pond or a bird landing in our birdbaths. I watch as they fade and the surface regains its composure.

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  13. This was a peaceful walk and meditation, just what I needed at the end of my day. I’m fond of sand ripples, and the ripples of connection that can start in one place and spread in an ever-widening circle.
    Enjoy your break! (K)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kerfe,
      Glad I was able to provide some calm at the end of your day … especially one that needs calm. Ripples spreading an ever-widening circle has a blogging application! After all, the ripples of goodness reach other good people elsewhere. Thank you for your thoughts!

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  14. My first thought was potato chips, not gonna lie. And ripples used to be my favorites until the russets caught my attention later on and that was that.

    As for ripples, they’re a form of communication aren’t they? They have a language all their own. From the pleasure boat that creates them, leaving anyone close by in their wake, to the diver whose years of hard work pays off with the slightest wisp of a ripple when they hit the water.

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  15. I’ve long enjoyed seeing the ripples in moving water, as well as the ridges that water makes when it flows over sand. Your post has made me long for a nice walk on the beach, Frank! I hope you enjoy your break — we’ll see you next month!

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