95 – Fluid

Click the video above for 2 minutes of background waves while reading.

I like walking on the beach. It is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

On my walk toward the beach, I notice a kite flying high several condos away. It’s steady – a sign the owner is not struggling to keep it soaring. The waves are normal as water comes ashore then returns to the sea. The water is not overly calm, but not noticeably strong. There was a riptide current warning yesterday, but not today.

I reach the kite’s location. I smile when noticing its string tied to a chair occupied by its owner reading a book.

Suddenly, I think about my occasional encounter with a pelican effortlessly gliding back and forth near a condo. To me, a pelican playing in the wind reminds me of the soaring hawks and buzzards I see at home.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Water, waves, a kite, a pelican, and the air are ideas coming together around the idea of flow and fluids.

A fluid is anything that flows, which are primarily liquids and gases. Fluids flow and take the shape of a container. Words commonly have multiple meanings, and fluid is no different because we use fluid as a synonym for a liquid. That’s fine as long as we realize that liquids are not the only fluids.

As a ballroom dancer, I think of the fluid movements associated with dances as waltz and foxtrot. The easy flowing motions of the dancers – the fluidity of their movement across the floor. Their movements are as smooth, elegant, and graceful as the waves and the soaring birds. The same is true for other dancers, especially ballet and contemporary.

Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva on Pexels.com

Although the waves are constant, each wave is different, Patterns of similarities exist, but waves also differ from day to day – let alone throughout the day.

Waves have a force: sometimes powerful and other times not so much – but still carrying a force – a force washing the water ashore where it meets the beach’s resistant slope while refreshing my feet.

Most of the time, the beach’s slope causes the water to retreat to the sea – but taking a different path. Sometimes the water successfully climbs the sand’s crest – occasionally collecting as a mini-lake away from the water’s edge only to be swept away at high tide or percolate through the sand.

Sometimes the water climbs the sand’s crest, but then follows a natural trench – sometimes to the left – other times to the right – but always in the same direction. As the water flows left or right, it may meet other naturally moving water returning to the sea – joining as two rivers into one – but always in the same direction.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Because I see miniature streams, I think of the world’s major rivers – all flowing in the same direction. The Nile River going north, and the Mississippi River going south – but in the same direction. The Danube River is flowing southeast, the Rhine to the northwest, the St. Lawrence River to the northeast, and the mighty Amazon to the east. Yes, their directions are all the same – just like the waters on the beach because water flows downhill.

The fluid movement of water is mesmerizing – seemingly lulling us into a trance while filling us with a sense of calm – a flowing river, water over the rocks in a stream, the gentle laps of the waves over my feet, and even the thunderous roar of a waterfall.

Water has a way – a way of losing us. The rocking motion on a boat or a ship takes us back to embryonic times in the fetal environment.

I think of the sounds of water slapping against the sides of a boat anchored or docked – the sound as the boat sways with the water.

I think about how water generally flows in one direction – plus the ebbs and flows of tides.

I think about how water’s fluidity is generally unaffected by temperature – unlike maple syrup that flows much slower when it is cold out of the refrigerator and flowing faster when heated.

Photo by Anni Roenkae on Pexels.com

I think about the fluid nature of the future – how decisions today affect the days ahead – how our future choices lead us to an unknown.

Life itself is very fluid – and some people seem to be better at going with the flow than others.

Thinking about fluids and flow has been an unexpected, interesting diversion – but thinking as I stroll across the sand is easy. After all, I like walking on the beach because it is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

See what other bloggers have posted about fluids

Next Post: Shadows – Saturday 4th December @ 1 AM (Eastern US)

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94 thoughts on “95 – Fluid”

  1. I’m thinking that at this time of year it’s maybe not so fluid as water freezes, Frank, but I like your images and comparisons. Especially the kite tethered to the chair. Somebody clipped it’s wings! Hope you’re having a great week.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The sound of the water is SO mesmerizing. You can sit on the beach and it becomes the composer of your thoughts, just like that. It’s that rhythmic song that never gets old, from the beginning of time until the lights go out. Perfect Frank.

    And it looks like college football has a fluid situation going on with its musical coaching chairs, eh?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Marc,
      The beach is definitely a place for R&R and deep thoughts …. and you words capture even more. I agree that its environmental rhythm sets a wonderful tone. Fluid is a great word for the college football season. My area is excited about the possibility, but I’m still in the camp of the committee doing what is best for them. Meanwhile, the coaching changes are seismic!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s the best meditation you can ask for in my opinion. Its presence is the beginning, middle and end.

        We need more teams in the CFP, since the methodology is going to be based in hot take opinions. Widen the net in that case so the big conferences don’t dominate the landscape.

        I think Riley to USC is great. A quarterback whisperer in So Cal? Whoa. And here’s one I heard. Lake Kiffin to Miami?

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Of course, because it’s all about the opinion voting. The methodology is not based on actual results on the field, and to a certain extent, I get it. Are the top SEC teams better than everyone else? Usually, yes they are. But expanding the tournament to INCLUDE most conferences allows for that “anything can happen in a single game” scenario to play out.


  3. Enya is a perfect musical accompaniment to a discussion of fluidity. Her music and voice flow together beautifully. When I’m at the ocean I admit to being totally mesmerized by watching the waves come ashore……It is quite “trance inducing”…..and I always fall under the spell. I wonder which direction the waves will go when heading back into the BIG body of water….. You’re right about dancing and fluidity especially ballet and ballroom. I recall with a giggle that at my wedding reception my husband and I were decidedly NOT fluid when having our first dance – we had never danced before and I’m surprised we didn’t wind up in a big heap on the floor! Love this post Frank.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pam,
      I’m with you about the interchange between Enya’s voice, the instruments, and the moods of her songs. Thereis a positive synergy going on that is hard to describe. Off the top of my head, I pretty sure I have used her music to conclude a beach walk more than any other artist! Cheers to the waves and the beach environment placing you into a trance. 🙂 … I know the feeling. Thanks for sharing your wedding dance story. 🙂 Believe me, it takes a while to get any fluidity in ballroom.


  4. Hubby has his ‘travel’ kite stowed in the trunk of our Toyota for easy access whenever he sees a great place to fly it and/or whenever the weather says, “Fly your kite now!”
    You’re so right about life being fluid, and that means we need to ‘go with the flow’ more often than not!
    Enjoy your day, Frank.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a lovely post! I almost found myself moving, as if swaying to the gentle motion of the ocean. I am in the middle of my country, no ocean in sight . But as I read each paragraph a thought popped into my mind which you simply stated in the next paragraph. The fluid motion of the world, of our minds, of time itself. It is a beautiful thing.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Marina,
      Thank you. I know you know the role that fluidity has in music – and that magic happens in many musical forms. You also remind my of the importance of the fluidity of movements in an artist’s brush. Happy December and glad you enjoyed Enya. Yamas!


  6. So true, flowing water can be a metaphor for so many things. We once spent a couple of nights at a house beside a bubbling brook and I slept like a soothed baby. I’ll never forget it. And I can watch the ebb and flow of the tides endlessly… A very meditative post, Frank.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Beautiful post, Frank! The flow of water, much like life, can be soothing like a babbling brook or agitating like a hurricane. We never know what to expect, do we? ‘No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.’ – Heraclitus

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  8. I use the word Fluid a lot while teaching my class – inviting the breath to become fluid, the movements to be fluid. Your post was enjoyable to read to bring together so many elements of life- fluidity is such a beautiful quality.

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  9. The mental image of the kite tied to the chair while the owner was reading made me smile. I’ve been known to sit for ages watching the water move in and out while listening to the mesmerizing sound it makes. Doesn’t have to be at the ocean. I’ll have to come back to listen to Enya. Haven’t heard her for ages but she’s so good.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Janet,
      Glad to bring a smile with the kite. That’s not a common sight, but I smiled too – however, people reading on the beach is common! Interesting, I get restless sitting on the beach. Maybe the last time you heard Enya was here because I think she is my most-commonly used artist. Then again, she doesn’t dominate my video choices.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Cindy,
      Thanks for the kind words. One thing I have noticed with beach walks, if I give the mind a chance, it will go deeper than the initial thoughts – but that requires patience. Sometimes the mind spins – feeling like it’s going nowhere – then, suddenly after a break or even the next day – zoom forward!

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  10. Enya and fluidity. A perfect combination. Life seems less fluid to me these days – more like a wind that gets gusty at times, then settles in to give us a false sense of serenity, then WHOOSH – a breeze that takes our breath away.
    But, I suppose there is fluidity in that wind.
    Me? I’d like to be more fluid in my mind, my soul, my thoughts, and my writing. An endless occupation, much like the waves reaching the shore, then pulling back again. Beautiful post, Frank.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pam,
      I’ll with you about multiple points … Enya & fluidity are a wonderful combination. In terms of today, oh boy – no fluidity – more like rigidity – that is, too many people are take it or leave, my way or the highway approach. Meanwhile, cheers to the fluidity of our minds and the environment that allow us to write. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. As soon as I read the word fluid, I thought of movement – as in dance. I didn’t even think of an ocean or rivers, I could more picture fluid within a container and how it flows when we move it. Go figure 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I love when I get you thinking 😉
        If I didn’t just come back from stuffing myself at a fantabulous Italiano restaurant with my two besties, I could probably think. Now? I’m just going to focus on breathing so I can get to bed and sleep! 🙂


  12. Beautiful post and deeply profound as you showed quite clearly one of the keys to living life as we are meant to live it, is to learn how to dance and flow with the rhythms of life. This is what I practice daily yet I must admit, some days are more challenging then others. Yet I continue. Bless you for these posts, Frank. Much Love to you! xo

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome, Frank. Going with the flow, I admit, is not easy at times especially when that flow is of my own creation. There has been much resistance lately in order to plow through it …. I like how you said that! …. yet in doing so I’m discovering even more confidence and courage in me! As my reward for staying the course, I find such happy Gifts from the Universe! Hope you are having a great weekend!! xo

        Liked by 1 person

  13. I heartily agree, Frank: some people really are better at going with the flow than others. It’s not easy sometimes, but railing against circumstances life hands out isn’t easy either. You know, there’s something so calming about the ebb and flow of water. I’m sure that’s one of the draws for living beachside!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Debbie,
      I’m right with you about going with the flow of life. Drifting aimlessly is dangerous – but so is fighting everything. Life isn’t easy, so knowing when to resist and when to go with the flow is important. However, decisions aren’t always easy & we don’t always make the right one. On the plus side, I agree the ebb and flow of water has a calming effect.

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  14. The ocean I am listening to right now Frank.. Like the very breath of life itself, it’s rhythm ebbs and flows in a smooth melody of ripples over pebbles…
    The photo of the Pelican is breath taking…. I so loved the film was it entitled The Pelican boy.. I forget… But a delightful and poignant film of a boy befriending a Pelican..
    So many things flowing and fluid as the dance of ballroom glides with the same rise and fall of the waves…
    My Granddaughter 11 today, passed more exams last month in her ballroom and Latin..
    Good to be back in WP Frank… today has been a delight in reconnecting with you and many more…. So I thank you so much for your warm welcome back..
    Love and Blessings to you and your lovely wife…

    Hugs your way Sue 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sue,
      Welcome back. Once I saw that you posted, I made sure I came over … so thanks for taking the time to revisit here. The rise and fall in dance and the ocean, a boy befriending a pelican – wonderful thoughts about fluid and flow. Cheers to your grandaughter for continuing to dance and obviously doing well and enjoying it!

      Liked by 1 person

  15. This is an interesting diversion.. of sorts. Your reflections all make sense, coming from a beach walk.
    You made me think; as an artist I sometimes use ink pens. The fluid flows from the pen onto the paper. I direct the pen and its fluids. It ends up art….. usually!
    Thanks Frank! I’m behind blogging, so think I’ll flow around my blogoverse for awhile.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I hadn’t considered how “fluid” is a fascinating word! It really is. We often say we want to be “flexible” in our thinking, but I don’t think I often reach towards being “fluid,” which may be a much better word. It feels more organic in a way. Very thought provoking, Frank. Kudos!


  17. Great thoughts on the word fluid, aFrank.
    Sitting on my back lanai, I’m viewing the stalks of reeds sporuting out of the water and can see their movements as fluid. This has opened a new window into what I see as fluid. Lovely walk … with insightful words and music.
    Isadora 😎

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