134 – Orange

Click the video above for 2 minutes of background waves while reading.

I like walking on the beach. It is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

It’s a nice day – not hot, not cold – a touch of cool is within the warmth. The sky is partly cloudy with scattered patches of gray, but now the sun is shining through a thin layer of wispy white. I also see places of irregularly-shaped patches of sky blue.

It’s breezy, but not too windy. The waves are mild – but stronger than casual laps, yet far from thunderous claps. Yes, it’s a nice day for a walk on the beach.

This is my backdrop for a walk that I’m unsure where my thoughts will go. I’ve written about the sea, waves, roars, water, wind, sand, sun, and the sky and its clouds. I stop to look at a patch of seashells, but I have written about them, too.

The color of most of the seashells I see are neutral earth tones, so the ones with touches of orange stand out. Some shells with orange on their tips – others using orange to provide color to the radiating ridges – or even as bands across the shell. Some have an orange hue appearing more like rust – a shade of orange and brown. I suddenly realize it took these shells to remind me of a topic suggested by a reader.

Photo by Pok Rie on Pexels.com

Orange is in the color spectrum and the middle letter of the first name in the mnemonic device. Sandwiched between the red and yellow of ROY G BIV, orange is the color of carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, apricots, oranges, tangerines, tangelos, clementines, bell peppers, persimmons, and the flesh of cantaloupes, mangos, and papayas. All the listed are fruits and vegetables rich in carotene. We also find orange in our cupboards as saffron, turmeric, curry, and other spices – but some tend toward brown.

Orange is the color of tigers, orioles, foxes, and squirrels – yet we call them red squirrels and red foxes. Can anyone forget orange as one of autumn’s brilliant colors?

Orange is very-visible. No wonder it is a color for getting attention for warnings and cautions. Highway construction areas loaded with orange signs, orange barrels, orange cones, and workers with reflective orange vests. Other construction areas use orange fencing to keep people out who do not belong.

Orange can be bright, pale, natural, and burnt – a color of sunrise and sunset skies. While sports teams display different shades of orange, the Dutch embrace orange as their national color.

Orange is the color of orange whip, orange sherbet, Tang, Nehi Orange soda, Orange Crush, and a component of various adult beverages such as fuzzy navels, mimosas, screwdrivers, and Harvey Wallbangers. But those drinks with orange juice are more yellow than orange, but the splash of grenadine delivers the orange to a tequila sunrise.

To painters, orange is a secondary color – a color formed by combining two primary colors: red and yellow. Just like ROY! But painters know blue is its complementary color designed to deliver pop to both. But, our electronic screens combine red and green for orange. Sorry ROY!

Thinking about the complementary nature of orange and blue reminds me of the landscape in the southwestern USA. Red rocks high in iron form glorious formations and provide wonderful photo opportunities against a cloudless blue sky. But to me, these red rocks are a shade of orange.

To some, orange is the color of originality, independence, risk-taking, and activity, but orange is sacred to Buddhists – so they wear orange for different reasons than jailed prisoners – but let’s not compare apples to oranges.

Orange is a color in the sea – sea glass, clownfish, sea anemones, sea stars, lobsters, and more. I suddenly laugh at the thought that goldfish are orange.

Orange juice is my preference to start my day. Rich in vitamin C, and found in bottles, cans, glass, cartons, and served as freshly squeezed, pre-packaged, or from concentrate. I don’t care for too much pulp in my OJ.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

We identify common oranges as Valencia, Florida, and Navel, but more varieties exist. Orange also identifies places like Orange County, Orange Beach, and Oranjestad. However, if orange is the new black, is it a clockwork orange?

Many people associate the color orange with amusement, the unconventional, extroverts, warmth, fire, energy, activity, danger, and taste. Besides the color on some shells, orange is the color of buoys marking channels and warning boaters. Orange also is a color designating ships and aircraft of the US Coast Guard.

I didn’t start my walk thinking about orange, so thanks to Dale in Quebec for suggesting the topic. I winced at first, but then I realized this would be part of my journey honoring ROY G BIV. Besides, I needed something to think about during my walk. As you know, I like walking on the beach because it is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

See what other bloggers have posted about Orange

Next Post: Cooking – Wednesday 1st June @ 1 AM (Eastern US)

93 thoughts on “134 – Orange”

    1. Barbara,
      I’m sure everyone agrees that orange has a way of standing out – and some shades are quite vibrant.. Of orange colors of autumn are wonderful – and they fit in well with the yellow and browns of the season. Interestingly and like any other color, the shades are quite wide ranging.

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  1. Orange is a favorite of mine, too! As a color it goes well with my favorite color of purple, and it represents all that is about October, the month of my birth.
    It is also my favorite cake…as we share a similar heritage, you’d know the trad. Lemon Ciambella Ring…in our house, it’s all about lemons, sure, BUT orange/dark choco was my favorite growing up and Ma revised the trad cake into my very own ‘Italian Orange Birthday Cake’ with her deep rich,creamy homemade BEST chocolate frosting. For awhile I strayed to asking for Angel Food cake with an emphasis on the cherries, but that was shortlived!
    To this day, I make my own ‘Italian Orange Birthday Cake’ on my birthday!!!!HA!
    I know, TMI. Just making up for the lack of commenting (just reading) on your other posts, I suppose.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Laura,
      I grinned all the way while reading your joyous comment TMI? Oh no … Thank you for sharing your love for Italian Orange Birthday Cake. Even given my Italian heritage, I’m not familiar with it – so I did a quick search. Oh my … it looks wonderful! … and for me … the more orange the color, the more intriguing it gets. Thanks for walking along and sharing a personal story around this wonderful color!

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  2. Well now… how do you like them apples… er oranges! As you know, it is my favourite colour and has been since, jeez… ever since I can remember! I coulda supplied lots of photos for ya 😉


    1. Dale,
      I remember it’s your favorite color … and that you suggested it as a topic. That could have been the point where I decided to do the color spectrum. Cheers to Roy! … and thanks for the suggestion. Your interest also motivated me to post it earlier rather than later.

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      1. I remember talking about it but wasn’t sure if I actually suggested it as a topic. So.. Yay us!
        And I forgot to mention in my first comment that I loved the video on Arizona – makes me want to visit it all the more.

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  3. And to me orange is the color of the sky on fire at sunset… My sister insists on posting glorious photos of the beach where the water looks orange from the reflection of the sun setting. Makes me just a touch envious!

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    1. Muri,
      There’s something about an orange sky at sunset over the water. Somethings the entire sky seems orange than melds into the gray of evening. My Ohio home looks west … and we are relatively high. We enjoy seeing orange streaks of post-sunset. Thanks for walking along.


  4. We have a tree that produces the most delicious oranges. It almost seems a shame to mix the juice with alcohol, but we did buy a small bottle of champagne to make mimosas. I’ve never had a Harvey Wallbanger, so now that must be on my to-do list!

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    1. Betsy,
      Cheers to you for having an orange tree … and you may be only one here with that honor. OJ is a wonderful drink on it’s own … no doubt! Harvey Wallbangers were big way back in the day …. but I can’t recall ever hearing anyone order one these days. Heck – Seeing the Galliano bottle at the bar is not a common sight these days. Thanks for getting me to (at least) start looking for them!

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  5. My first thought about the color orange is the sunset at the beach. Orange is warm and I used to think it was a difficult color to work into a wardrobe until I lived in Florida! It’s also a mood – happy. Orange has an energy about it that I like. It also reminds me of one of my favorite ice creams on a stick – Creamsicle!!


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    1. Pam,
      An orange sky at sunset over the water is a wonderful sight … actually, spectacular. At least I get to see them in the winter. Creamsicles? Oh my my …. water a wonderful taste. Orange and vanilla are wonderful combinations. Keep that in mind the next time you see one of those coke machines with all the flavors. Yep – make yourself a cremecicle soda. Yum!

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  6. While orange isn’t my favorite color, it does get one’s attention. It’s especially beautiful in an Autumn setting or in a sunrise/sunset sky. Thanks for letting me walk with you this morning, Frank!

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    1. Debbie,
      Orange in autumn is wonderful …. but orange associated with the solar bookends are spectacular. During my winter at the beach, orange is more prevalent at sunset. It’s such a wonderful color in the sky. Overall, orange is an attention getter …. no wonder the orange barrels and vests. Thanks for joining the walk and chiming in. 🙂

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  7. Thanks for the bright morning reflections.. This reminds me of the pants I bought yesterday that are a plaid of yellows and lavender and yellows and I bought a pink top and I don’t like yellow on pants etc. but it’s awesome if i do say so myself. ha thanks for the walk Frank!

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  8. Orange, I love that color but it really doesn’t like me too much…I need more of the blue shades:)

    Did you know that some restaurants use a lot of orange? Apparently it stimulates the appetite. I worked in a deli, and our uniforms were orange as well as the decor.

    A thought of orange reminded me of the time when I wore an orange and white dress my mom had sewn…and some lady sloshed her coffee all over it! Oops. I wasn’t too sad, because well, it was orange! I had first worn that dress when one of the Dutch Princesses had come to our city, so of course orange was the color of the day!
    Several of my uncles had little orange flags on their lapels, they had been given the ‘Order of Orange’ honors, sort of like being knighted…for their service during the war years.

    Somewhere I have several of those orange tinted sea shells…
    Thanks for a fun post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ingrid,
      Thanks for your comment that caused several chuckles. Orange as an appetite stimulant is new to me. … so is Order of Orange honors. Looks like I’ve missed a lot in life! Manwhile …. orange is a subtle color on the shells … just enough to accent the shell! Thanks for sharing.


  9. I love the color orange. Did you know the Dolphins have an alternate orange uniform? I wish they used them more, it’s so Florida. Also, my tabby cat Jack is orange and he wears it well.

    Big props to Q for the inspiration!

    PS- love that ending video

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Marc,
      I know orange is one of the Dolphins colors, but I only faintly recall them wearing an orange jersey. Speaking of sports -Comparing colors is interesting to me. For instance, look at the difference among Texas orange, Tennessee orange, and Clemson orange! Whew …. huge difference. Bengals and Browns used to have the same shade, but the Browns altered theirs several years ago. Meanwhile, glad you enjoyed the Arizona video. Personally, the red rocks against a blue sky is a winner!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The Fins use them every now and again. I love them and wish it were more often, but hey, I also wish they would go back to the deeper aqua and the old helmet.

        And I like the Texas orange, I think it’s super cool in contrast to those cream helmets.

        You’re right about that!

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  10. Orange to me is the colour of comfort, yes warmth as well. It is early mornings and early evenings. It is calming and consoling. Is this the colour of life? Sometimes it is the colour of life left behind, like in the shells. The life that once was there. And yes, I paint a fair bit with the colour orange. This one I like.

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  11. You have some beautiful examples of Orange here, Frank. Some reason I’m craving a glass of orange juice right now. Lol. When I first saw your shells, I was reminded of when I was a child and we used to go to Sanibel Island before the causeway was built. The shelling there was phenomenal. It’s very built up now, but that was a good memory.

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    1. Janet,
      The shelling in Sanibel is legendary – but I think I’ve only been there once, which was only for part of a day. Because it’s early morning for me as I type this, my morning OJ is still ahead of me …. so maybe you’ll have some today!


  12. Thunder can sure get one thinking!
    I always liked the old orange joke ending with an orange for …
    “Orange” you coming? Orange we going to get falafels?
    It doesn’t even work, but it does.
    So, orange you gonna do an indigo post?

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  13. Another fantastic post with your research and easy flowing content!
    Love that you reminded us there are so many drinks that are orange – and so true that
    “Orange can be bright, pale, natural, and burnt ”

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    1. Yvette,
      Glad you enjoyed this walk about orange. I friend of mine is a big Tennessee fan, so we have our share of discussions about the color orange in sports. This one was a fun one to put together. I was hesitate at first, but give the mind time to come up with the ideas, and then concentrated writing, it worked. However, these things come out of my head with some research filling in the blanks. Somethings though, the thinking is over days. Here, I looked up orange’s complementary color and what makes orange on a computer screen. Thanks for walking along.


      1. So glad to walk along – and we used to have an old children’s book (70’s) hardcover and think it was titled “what is orange?” – I brought it at a used book store because it was so specific to a e just that color and also – a tough color to explore and I can see why maybe you were hesitant at first – but what a post ended up unfolding …..
        Hope your last day of May 2022 is a good one Frank

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    1. Dan,
      I had to skip ahead to your comment. I also love the flavor or orange creamsicles. Orange and vanilla is a great combination. You can find it in other ice cream products. Yum! I’m sure you have seen the Coke machines with various flavors. Yep … make a creamsicle drink! … Get this, I make my own limoncello (limoncello) … I’ve done various flavors – including orange-vanilla … or what I call Creamsiclecello! Thanks for sharing your love for Orange Creamsicles!

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  14. LOL Frank, somehow I get the feeling orange is NOT your favorite color – and it certainly is not mine. Can’t wear it, have never liked it, don’t even drink orange juice!!! But I enjoyed your post and must admit it reminded me of the times when I DO like orange, especially in the fall when the leaves turn their glorious colors. Wishing you a lovely week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tina,
      Oh wow … surprise … I actually like orange the color … and orange flavor! I do wear it – but not a lot. Since I’ve been working at the golf course the past 7 years, my shirts are more vibrant. 🙂 Meanwhile, as I photographer, my sure there are times when oranges delivers the pop you were looking for.


  15. I have always been interested in color theories. The one I remember first is that orange is the favorite color of very intelligent people, I tend to think of orange as something I would not wear, but would definitely eat! 🙂

    Enjoyable post, Frank! All the best! ❤

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    1. Cheryl,
      Years ago I recall taking a personality profile test called true colors, which used red, green, blue, and orange as identifiers. I found it interesting – and I recall the orange were the adventurous, spontaneous, adventurous, & risk-takers group as their primary color. Consider searching “True Colors Personality Test” for more info. Well, assuming they are still out there. Glad you enjoy my walk with orange. 🙂

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  16. What a delightful topic infused with the brightness and brilliance of the color Orange. Certainly awakens my attention to think of its cautionary power and the beautiful color that blankets our planet and mountains at sunset. Truly an enjoytable beachwalk this is Frank.

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  17. I love the color orange! It’s a favorite in my garden, and when I purchased a new iMac last year, I opted for the color orange. It is just a happy color, I think. And the orange colors in the sunset at ocean’s edge is always spectacular. 🙂

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