186 – Art

Because my life the past few weeks has been more hectic than normal, my apologies for the slow responses and lack of visits. Although I know you understand, it’s my nature to acknowledge the situation. Thank you!

Click the video above for 2 minutes of background waves while reading.

I like walking on the beach. It’s good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

I look at the sky and notice streaky clouds appearing to be from an artist’s brush. Around me are buildings designed by architects and built by contractors according to their design. Looking at the sand, I spot a beautiful shell designed by nature.

The clouds, buildings, and shells are all forms of art. Hitting a baseball is an art. Then again, so are most athletic endeavors when done well. But today, I think of what most of us think of as art. You know – art – that human expression of creativity that stimulates the senses and cerebral thoughts.

Art isn’t limited to paintings and sculptures but includes other works done by gifted hands – such as quilting, knitting, pottery, woodworking, stained glass, and more.

Photography is unquestionably a visual art. Maybe not in the same way as artistry using hands, but the photographer is a visual artist. On the other hand, I point-and-shot the camera while hoping to get lucky.

Today I think of art – the combination of an artist’s expression, illusion, and even imagination – an artist communicating a message of time, place, senses, emotions, and perceptions.

Art is an expression of what the artist perceives through the relationships of colors, light, space, medium, texture, balance, shadows, contrast, proportions, and probably more.

I wonder if art is the outcome of the artist weaving concrete and imagination – an expression between perception and actuality – something between thought-provoking and a reminder – between reality and possibility – a connection of the past, present, and future.

Art is that creation by an artist getting one to stop, look, and think – yet, the artist prefers to know the viewer’s thoughts instead of stating their intentions.

Art comes in many styles – from Impressionism, Expressionism, Cubism, Surrealism, Romanticism, and Realism to Abstract and more. All are art.

Now I wonder – Is architecture art? I don’t know because I am not an architect or an artist. I think of the guides in Europe identifying architecture as Classical, Neoclassical, Renaissance, Victorian, Baroque, and others. To me, architecture is art because the building is the architect’s artistic visual expression.

I think of the performing arts – the rhythms, harmonies, and melodies of music through voices and a wide variety of instruments. Dances from ballet to modern dance are physical, rhythmic, timed expressions normally set to music.

I think about an actor’s craft of combining speech and gestures to tell a story to a live audience from the theater’s stage. Yes, these performers are artists and what they do is art.

Moving from the stage to film was a major addition to the performing arts in the 20th Century – and yes, cinematography is an art all to its own.

Ice skating is a dance form telling stories and conveying messages and feelings. Yes – ice skating is an art.

The list can go on and on, such as the literary arts of novels, short stories, and poems – plus the communication arts of public speaking – let alone the culinary art of cooking.

Art is one of humanity’s creative expressions. Although nature’s designs sometimes influence human designs, there seems to be no limit to human creativity.

Art is a skill, a craft, a technique acquired through practice and guidance. Whether a classical art form, a performing art, a literary art, and even architecture. Teaching is an art. Many can do it, but only a few can master it. Leadership is an art – so is broadcasting the news. So yes – successfully hitting a baseball is an art.

Nature offers much natural artistry on the beach through its natural designs – the very designs that time has rationally and beautifully shaped and colored. But this walk is about human art.

Art is human imagination and skills at work – but walking on the beach isn’t art – but it is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

NOTE: Marina Kanavaki and I have been blog friends for many years. She is a gifted artist specializing in watercolor paint and music. Fortunately for me, she is allowing me to share her artistry with you. The video displays her paintings for an art show set to her original music. I invite you to visit Marina, and if she is new to you, tell her I sent you.

A link to Jo’s latest walk featuring spring near Leeds, England. Tell her I sent you.

See what other bloggers have posted about Art

Next Post: Shoes – Saturday 29th April @ 1 AM (Eastern US)

120 thoughts on “186 – Art”

  1. Art, well that’s a wide topic, but for me, art is everywhere, the curve of a tree, if you paint, photograph, or just put it on the wall, if it gives you perspective and pleasure. Art to see things, enjoy them all from our perspective. What I think is art could say is rubbish. Architecture can create art, we artists copy it into photos or paintings and give it an other form of art. Flower is a creation of beauty and us making memories it in different arts . Too early to say more. I have also been less on the computer, I have spent time outside enjoying spring- enjoying the literature art of good books. Art is what we create even if it’s a tasty cake beautifully decorated

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ritva,
      Thank you for the many excellent points. There is no question that nature is a wonderful artist … probably (in my view) the greatest. Photographers have the artistry of capturing nature’s art. The curve of a tree limb is one thing, but the photographer’s touch and skill adds layers of intrigue and wonder. In terms of human art, there is so much that all a person has to do is find something they enjoy. Offerings are countless – but not all art is for everyone. Thanks for sharing.

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  2. To me, Frank, art is as much about perception as it is creation. I like colourful and classical, abstract and art nouveau, humorous and serious pieces. Things that both inspire me and make me think… and that applies to the pieces that don’t resonate with me as well, although I much prefer the ones I feel connected with. I suppose all buildings are art, but where some are ornate in design, others are monstrosities… but somebody somewhere created the original designs for them (or pressed a button on a computer!)
    An enjoyable post, Frank! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tom,
      I know you enjoy art, so thanks for expanding beyond an initial thought. Colorful and whimsical is right up your alley! Hopefully there was something in my collections that struck your fancy. It is amazing how different viewers can interpret art vastly different. Bottom line is art is for everyone, but not every piece of art pleases everyone. Thanks for sharing.

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  3. Beautiful uplifting post Frank, Thankyou for sharing your eye on art which I like to call the reflection of the Divine! Creative expression being shared by consciousness in all forms of delight! Everything displayed in repeating patterns, the very makeup of earth and mankind. Sacred geometry of the golden ratio, Fibonacci sequence and fractals… all sharing how the divine weaves in and out throughout all life. The divine beauty we are within and without! Such a blessing and reminder each day of who we all truly are!
    I actually published my children’s book IAM a sparkle of love that talked about the divine beauty of all patterns, and how magnificent we truly are! Thankyou again, much love ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Barbara,
      Thanks not only for your kind words, but also for your thoughtful comment. I greatly appreciated your description of art as “the reflection of the Divine.” Another descriptor caught my attention, so I’ll go with “art as a creative expression reflecting the Divine.”

      You mentioned fractals – and I thought I had them in one of the collections – but I didn’t. (I facing issues when constructing each gallery. Cheers to you for promoting nature (and its art) to children through your books.

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  4. I bet you knew I would resonate with this post, Frank.
    Expression: Yes , for me, it’s my way of losing myself, as the outside world no longer exists..

    Creating be it through all the things you have mentioned is in a way the artists inner expression of peace and beauty.. For I am at total peace in my inner world while creating.

    Like you Frank, life especially come Springtime, there is less time for blogging as we live life to the full, drinking in the beauty of nature, as we nurture ourselves..

    It’s great that I caught your post this morning..

    Have a wonderful weekend 😀 💜✨️

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    1. Sue,
      I’m happy that you saw this essay because I knew you would appreciate it. Isn’t it interesting how different art impacts different people in a different way? Simply fascinating. There is so much art there, I say, “Find something you enjoy, and then embrace it!” Meanwhile, enjoy your spring gardening. 🙂

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  5. I have time constraints and busyness too, Frank, but I much appreciate the link. Off walking this morning but I will come back to enjoy this beautiful post this evening. Many thanks 🤗❤️

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  6. My dear Frank, needless to say how close this theme is to me.
    Art is creating another world, an inner urge [rarely taught] that will express itself.
    Being part of such a wonderful post means so much to me.
    Very happy to see Resa’s amazing Art Gown too!
    Happy weekend, my friend.
    Yamas to our long lasting friendship!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Marina,
      Art is definitely a personal expression … and there is so much available. Although not all art is for everyone, there is something out there for everyone to enjoy and embrace. Meanwhile, you show many styles of art with paintings and music. Thank you for sharing it in the video!

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  7. Ahhhh…..one of my favorite subjects! Art is everywhere around us if we look through eyes of creativity. This post of yours being a perfect example of art from A to Z and back again. We are surrounded by symmetry and beauty and everything that we appreciate in the universe as “art” . This is another never-ending subject Frank which you are a master of introducing to us. Really.


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    1. Pam,
      Thanks for the kind words and support. Yes, art is all around us. Architects and interior decorators are artists … let alone the artistry that nature provides. After all, (as you stated), “we are surrounded by symmetry and beauty.” That is both so true and an understatement.


  8. Our synchronicity continues, Frank–yesterday we went to Grounds for Sculpture, a beautiful sculpture garden in NJ. Nature’s art was stunning on this gorgeous day, too.
    Of course art is everywhere, and the need to express ourselves creatively goes back to ancient times, as we can see from cave paintings and instruments made of bone. Thanks for sharing your ideas and artists.

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    1. Merril,
      Cheers to another synchronous moment! I know you enjoy art, but you also see nature’s artistry. The artistry of chefs in both their cooking and presentation is another art form. Because it is all around us, examples can seem endless. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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  9. Hi Frank, I think art is all about connections, be it the connection of the artist to their inspiration tools and medium, or the connection between a work of art and an audience creating thoughts and dreams. Art is many forms and sometimes even unintentional – for example an engineer creates a motor vehicle as a form of transport but later that vehicle is viewed/considered a work of art.
    But I’m so glad you included the image of a black dress from our friend Resa, this lady has great talent. Thank you for your art.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tyeth,
      I appreciate your thoughts regarding art being about connections. That in itself is worth thinking about. I’m with your thoughts about engineered results also being art. I love that dress by Resa. As I was selecting the images, my thoughts expanded – and I’m glad they did!

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  10. What a deeply beautiful and uplifting post Frank. To me art is everywhere, in the textures, sights and subtleties of the natural world. It’s creative in so many ways and our earth is filled with it. Warmest wishes to you.

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  11. Frank,
    Art is everywhere in every imaginable medium. Nature’s art is one we humans try to represent using so many different mediums.
    I never considered myself an artist way back because I can’t draw for beans. Then I was made to realise that reproducing an image with thread in needlepoint is; photographing is; cooking is. All things I was doing but not realising were artistic expressions of things for me.
    Happy Saturday, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, my dear Ashley for your kind words. So glad you visited Frank’s page. It was an honor being featured in such a beautiful post. I hope you’ll follow his wonderful Beach walk reflections.

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  12. We can’t look anywhere without seeing some form of art created by nature or by man. Both are awe-inspiring. Admittedly I don’t like all art I see, but certainly most of it. And even if I don’t really like something, I can appreciate the work that went into it. I believe we all have artistic talents, but as you pointed out, we don’t always recognize them as being artistic. Our loss.

    Very interesting walk today Frank. How very fortunate we are to live in a world brimming with all kinds of art!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ginger,
      I agree – art is surrounds us …. especially for those who take the time to look. We might not like, but that’s OK because someone does. Last fall we visited the Pompidou Center in Paris – and wow – it definitely expands the world of art! Thanks for sharing.

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  13. I love this post, Frank! This paragraph especially, spoke to me:

    I wonder if art is the outcome between perception and actuality-something between thought-provoking and a reminder-between reality and possibility-a connection of the past, present, and future.”

    The video is gorgeous, both the watercolor art and the music!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Cheryl,
      I greatly appreciate when a reader lets me know a portion of the post that struck them …. so many thanks! Marina and I have been blogging buddies a long time …. double digit years for sure. I also love her watercolors and appreciate her musical artistry. I couldn’t pass up the chance to feature both of them!

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  14. Very cool post, Frank! I love art and to me it is a way to release the creative side through whatever outlet you may use. And there are so many! Wonderful photos, beautiful video, and your own artistic side comes out in your presentation. I think art is everywhere if we want to see it.

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  15. Nice post, Frank. I think the ocean waves are artists with whatever washes up to shore too. I used to think I understood art, or appreciated it, and then our daughter went to SAIC for Fine Arts. Let me tell you this…I had never seen so many versions of art until I saw the displays put on by the students for their finals. The Art Museum in Chicago is a fascinating place to visit.
    I hope your busy schedule tamed down some and that you’re enjoying your spring!

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  16. Creativity helps me not do housework.
    Or is it that housework makes me just want to do my creative things?
    Let me imaginatively ponder that artsy thought!
    I enjoyed your post on art, a lot, Frank. Thank you for including a couple of my images in it!

    I adore Marina’s art. Look at all she did in that video: create the paintings, produce an art showing, video it, cut the footage, set it to music and launch it on line.
    I must think, like Edison said, creativity is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.
    Cheers! Clink!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ah, Resa… I can’t tell you how happy I was to coexist with your out-of-this-world Art Gown! …and you are TOO kind!!!! Frank creates such wonderful posts.
      Cheers to him and cheers to you!
      ps love that artsy thought! 🤣

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  17. I do good to draw stick people, Frank, so I never thought of myself as an artist. However, there are more forms of “art” than simply drawing (as you’ve so wonderfully declared here!). Perhaps it comes down to “creativity,” which is something that resonates deeply with me. Thanks for another lovely walk.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bruce,
      No doubt that art is everywhere. After all, nature is the best artist … but human art comes in so many forms … therefore, something for everyone who takes the time to notice. Marina and I go back a long time in our blogging world – and have collaborated on multiple occasions – so (for me), her video would be the perfect closer for this walk. Glad you enjoyed this and thanks for walking along.

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  18. A lovely ode to art Frank, loved it. Lots of interesting perspectives on such an important subject to most bloggers. Art in frames, art on walls, art in museums and theaters, in nature and in our neighborhoods. And of course our favorite art – photography 😊. Terrific post

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  19. Art is a great way to communicate with those who cannot express themselves verbally, they can craft, paint, sculpt, etc. we do a lot of that with the peeps I care for. I have some of it as gifted to me…very precious.
    Not sure if you mentioned sculpture in your post, but that, too is art…things made into 3d to depict whatever was intended. Around here there are a lot of trees that had to be removed after the storms, and some peeps have made sculptures out of them, bears, flowers, etc!
    Nowadays one can even ask an AI developer to ‘do an artwork’ for you…not sure if I think that is a good idea or not…it failed when I asked one AI app to make me a Siamese kitten, LOL!!

    Of course I do quite a bit of picture art work, (for others, mostly) in my memorial /mementos I make…that is one of the reasons II keep GIMP…I find it a bit easier to use than Photoshop…but it is basically the same thing!

    Another great post, Mr Frank. I too, am behind…outdoor work and the workplace not to mention other chores, take up a good chunk of the warm weather days.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ingrid,
      Thanks so much for your thoughtful response. I’m not sure if I mentioned it, but software has greatly expanded the art world – so cheers for what you do. You mentioned AI, so you may be interested in one of the links at the end of the post is about AI as art. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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  20. Art appreciation may be subjective, but I think we are surrounded by art. If we open our eyes and take notice of the world around us, everything from nature’s beauty to architecture to a child’s handprint and so much more is here to delight and inspire us. If we get our noses out of our electronics and look up and out, it’s all there! I read your post and realize I was smiling all the way through. 🙂

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    1. Debra,
      I appreciate how much you included in a few lines. Not only about nature’s art, but your choice of words for art’s wide range …. from architecture to a child’s handprint …. After all, many refrigerators have been the wall for child’s art – let alone decorative magnets!


  21. Cincy

    Having spent the better part of an hour inside Notre Dame Basilica in Montreal attending a light show tells me YES to the idea of art in architecture. What a magnificent structure, and then you add lights? Wow.

    Ohtani on the mound is art. The way he talks a baseball into doing his bidding against some of the best hitters in the game is the kind of thing Michelangelo would’ve loved.

    Another classic, my man.


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    1. Marc,
      The basilica in Old Montreal is a beautiful place – no doubt. Human architecture is a great expression of art … let alone when we add another layer as a light show. Thanks for mentioning baseball’s artistry. From the fluidity of 6-4-3 to the way special pitchers work the batter to the way professional batsmen work the bat, baseball’s artistry is evident! From dancers to gymnasts to skiers, human motion is also art. Thanks for expanding the thoughts!

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      1. So beautiful, which of course speaks to the age in which it was constructed.

        The light show? Amazing doesn’t do it justice.

        Baseball is poetry in motion, its art is a slow, melodic advance on our senses.


  22. I’ve often wished I had the talent for art – as in drawing and painting. Instead, I create my art through writing, photography, and cooking. Thanks for the art-talk along our walk in the beach.

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  23. I enjoyed this beacjhwalk thinking of various art forms Frank – I loved it being described as – ” an expression between perception and actuality – something between thought-provoking and a reminder – between reality and possibility” how wonderful and feels true. This existence itself is such exquisite art and so is our life when we consciously engage from that gap in between.

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    1. PD,
      Thanks for the kind words and for telling me that struck you. I think I came up with that thinking about different perceptions. Artists as Picasso and Van Gogh had a lot going on inside their head, and it shows in their art. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and walking along!

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  24. Hi Frank, I love art and appreciate it in many forms. I create cake and fondant art and am now drawing and creating pictures using charcoal and oil pastels. I take photographs all the time, often of strange things that interest me. I collect dolls and African beaded animals. The covers of books are art and so are the picture designs and illustrations inside the book. A lovely post about art.

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  25. Again you’ve covered a wide scope on the subject. Since this world is a reflection of our Creator’s skill in design, no wonder we humans have this desire to be creative.

    Yet the artist prefers to know the viewer’s thoughts instead of stating their intentions. An interesting thought to ponder, and true. No matter who creates what, the creator hopes the beholder will “see”, appreciate and value it. (Which is why some folks hesitate to give their creations as gifts.)

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    1. Christine,
      Art’s wide scoop actually made this post easy …. then again, the hard part is staying contained within the boundaries (therefore not rambling or going off the rails). Nature definitely is quite the inspiration for many arts! Thanks for going back in time and sharing. 🙂

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