203 – Endless v2

FYI: My last blog break involved searching for good food and wine in Tuscany. Being that my 3-week search failed, I must return in the future to resume the expedition.

The earlier Endless essay sparked some new ideas: some from readers and some from me. Together means volume 2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and stimulating mine.

Click the video above for several minutes of background waves while reading.

I like to walk on the beach. It is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

Looking across the water, I don’t see any land, but I know many lands lie beyond the horizon. To the exotic, historical, arid, tropical, icy, and more – to islands, cities, towns, cliffs, plains, forests, deserts, famous landmarks, and other wonderful beaches. This is an endless sea that can take me to endless places.

The horizon is endless because we cannot reach it. Although we think we’re moving closer to the horizon, it is unattainable as the lover one will never have.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Pexels.com

Small things are endless – the number of red blood cells in each drop is in the millions. Because there are many drops in our 5-6 quarts/liters of blood, the total number of red blood cells seems endless.

We can set up a series of mirrors to appear endless. I know photographers like this, plus the illusion interests me. 

Life has things that seem endless that actually aren’t – bottomless coffee, refillable drinks, and an unlimited buffet. Although they aren’t endless, one can get more than their share.

I look to the sky containing clouds. The sky seems endless, but knowledge reminds me that the sky is a thin layer surrounding our planet. I know that our sky is finite, but I also know night allows me to look beyond the thin blue veil into the black darkness of space. The endless sky is full of wonders and mysteries that are limited only by our imagination.

I think about looking into deep space – a place of endless stars, galaxies, planets, and moons. A place of seemingly endless void of darkness and emptiness. A location of endless black holes, white holes, and wormholes. I don’t think we can escape a black hole, and enter a white hole. But if a black hole is one end of the wormhole, is the white hole the other end? My head hurts.

The sky is also the setting of rainbows – the seemingly endless flame of the spectral colors of ROY G BIV. Rainbows cause us to stop, pause, dream, ponder the special moment, and wonder about the location of the pot of gold somewhere within the rainbow’s infinity.  

I stop to stare at a large patch of shells. Their patterns seem endless. My mind jumps to the patterns found in nature – the regular, irregular, and abstract – patterns of lines, spirals, curves, and angles. From the simple to the abstract, from the obvious to the microscopic, and from the subtle to the bold. There is no doubt in my mind that patterns in nature are endless. 

Realizing the connection between patterns and mathematics, I shift to concepts such as the Golden Ratio, the Fibonacci sequence, and fractals – those never-ending patterns of mathematical shapes created by a repeating process acting as an endless loop.

Thinking of mathematics leads to repeating patterns of division problems, such as ten divided by three leading to an endless string of threes. Then there’s the letter pi with its endless mathematical value.

Mathematics leads me to infinity – a term for no limits or boundaries in time, space, and magnitude. Infinity is a difficult concept to grasp by us with a finite life. Perhaps that is why mathematicians use infinity to deal with endless – a value larger than any real number. Interestingly, an unreal number can be larger than any real number. I wonder: Is mathematics the science of the infinite?

Yes, infinity is endless. Infinity is a place with no beginning and no end. A place that has always been there and will always be there. Trying to grasp the idea of infinity and an endless universe is difficult for me. At least the words in my sentence are finite while I stand in awe and wonder at endless.

Photo by Steve Johnson on Pexels.com

Time seems endless. Sixty seconds pass to form a minute, then 60 more seconds for another minute, and the beat is continuous. Then add in 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, 365 days a year, 10 years in a decade, 10 decades in a century, and 1000 years in a millennium. I’ll stop there because time is endless and my time on this planet is finite. However, my time is a mere fraction of a tick in the grand scheme of time. Perhaps time is endless, therefore timeless. Is the thought of time as timeless contradictory? 

Endless reminds me of the circle of life: birth, life, death, and rebirth – plus all the emotions and beauty that accompany the circle of life.

Endless is an infinite journey of sights, sounds, people, places, things, dreams, wishes, and many interesting questions to ponder. Perhaps endless is also spiritual.

Endless is the many things going beyond our ability to comprehend. It’s difficult to imagine energy as endless because the first law of Thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can change from one form to another. 

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Concepts such as infinity and eternity are also difficult to grasp. In our minds, eternity is infinite – but our lives are finite while living in an infinite universe. Endless, eternity, and infinity seem to ebb and flow between our conscious and the great subconscious, which is within us and beyond our control. Maybe – just maybe – and in some strange way, endless is good for us.

Although endless is endless, this essay about endless is ending. Time will tell if this essay leads to a third one, but there is endless beauty in the world around us. After all, I like to walk on the beach. It is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

See what other bloggers have posted about Endless

Next Post: Debris – Saturday 11th November @ 1 AM (Eastern US)

76 thoughts on “203 – Endless v2”

  1. Endless…yes, indeed.When I stop in the finite of the time I am in, to ponder things that are endless, it makes my head spin, because its totally beyond what I can comprehend.
    My head spins a lot even for things in the finite world, LOL!
    Right now its spinning for another reason, because I contracted Covid…I do think this virus and its variants will go on forever ie endlessly to plague us all. LIke the flu and cold viri that circulate…endlessly ,to jump on victims…and who knows where I got this covid from?? Work,, shopping, church?? It is an endless mystery…
    At least I am not as sick as the first time I got it, Phew.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ingrid,
      Yuk! I hope you effects are tame and temporary. Nonetheless, I agree with you – COVID seems endless. As you know, viruses are masters of masters of mutations, so let’s hope that a future generation isn’t severe. I’ve had it multiple times – yet I’m fully vaxed. Then again, the vaccine is still doing it’s job – including diminishing the effects. Get well soon!

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      1. Yes, I am vaxed to the max…including the most recent ‘offering’…and still I get sick. Its like a bad head cold, thus far and I hope that is all it will be…and not an endless tale of symptoms and dragging on and on, like one of my cousins who has Long Covid, poor fella, he can hardly do his normal work.

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  2. When you jump into contemplation of “endless”, “infinity”, and the like, the possibilities are, well, endless. 🙂 That means you might have another intriguing post and our minds can continually (AKA endlessly) contemplate the meaning of these things. 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend, Frank.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yikes Frank, I think I’m going to have an endless headache from reading your essay on Endless! Lol! It’s mind-boggling to think about things that are endless, or seemingly endless, while other things end much too soon!

    I would be extremely happy if TV commercials ended permanently so I don’t have to listen to my husband endlessly complaining about them. God forbid he would turn off the TV. Yep, it’s an endless battle here. 😵‍💫

    Your brain must’ve been spinning like a Top writing this essay. Good one though Frank. Lots to think about….when the Tylenol ends my headache! 🤗

    Hope you and your bride enjoy a relaxing and fun weekend. We’ll be changing our clocks again. This too seems doomed to go on endlessly! Sigh….. Ginger

    Sent from my iPad


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ginger,
      Your wit has me laughing and smiling for different reasons – so thanks for that. Sorry about the headache, but hopefully the Tylenol worked for you. Fortunately, some of these thoughts came from readers in the previous essay about the topic, so I didn’t have to come up with everything here … but some of it was mine!

      Cheers to your tolerance of the ongoing battle between your husband and TV commercials. I experience something similar. We have a TIVO to record shows so my wife can fast forward through all commercials. When we watch something live, election season commercials get to her, and I frequently here her complaints or notice her interaction with the Mute button. Thanks for the kind words and sharing your thoughts.


  4. A beautiful walk and talk Frank during this time that seems endless at the moment.
    “Although endless is endless, this essay about endless is ending. Time will tell if this essay leads to a third one, but there is endless beauty in the world around us. ” I think of the endless eternity of life as we may have never guessed it.. we are eternity and endless till the end of time. 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Endless to me, Frank, is merely the night sky on a clear night. Thousands of stars spread across that never-ending canvas above us. I see faint clusters at the edge of my vision, but I know there are more beyond. And from the stars spring endless dreams… which brings my thoughts to another endless void… our minds and our imagination.

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  6. Hi Frank, great post, it’s difficult to find something that is endless, as say everything is always transforming, changing, adapting…. Tuscany! I can’t believe you didn’t find good food in there, I’ve never been there, it’s in my wish list, but I can imagine all the cheese, wine, fresh vegetables and fruits.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Elizabeth,
      On one hand, endless is difficult to imagine. On the other hand, there are many examples to ponder. Add that up, Endless is a fascinating conundrum. Tuscany is a beautiful region and one that tantalizes us in so many ways. I hope you get the opportunity to visit in your future! Thanks for walking along & sharing.


  7. I find all kinds of holes fascinating–black holes and white holes and wormholes included. Also the concept of both zero and infinity (intertwined in my mind). Time also seems to me to be elastic. Would we have a concept of endlessness without ends? As someone said, everything contains its opposite. Another great exploration. (K)

    Liked by 1 person

  8. a wonderful walk with much thought on this one, Frank.
    intriguing how our minds percieve this concept “endless”

    “Perhaps time is endless, therefore timeless”… nicely said this.
    Thanks for yet another lovely share. 🤍🙏

    Liked by 1 person

  9. This is a big topic, and me I do not often think about it, I admire clouds, ocean, sky . this caught my I Endless is an infinite journey of sights, sounds, people, places, things, dreams, wishes, and many interesting questions to ponder. Perhaps endless is also spiritual. I think I agree on this… Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. LOL for ending your post about endless Frank! Love how you disputed your own examples of endless as not really so. But yes, infinity IS endless (I think, but then how would we know?!) A very esoteric post this week. I loved it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tina,
      Glad you enjoyed this essay. This may be the first time an essay is called esoteric – but I like that! 🙂 It’s difficult to imagine something with no end … space and time are two examples … especially with space continuing to expand. Expanding into what? Oh my, endless expanding into endless! Thanks for walking along and sharing.


  11. Thanks for taking me on your beach walk, Frank. As always, it was most thought-provoking! I find it challenging to wrap my head around how “endless” some of these topics are. (Sorry you didn’t accomplish what you’d hoped for on your vacation, but that just leads you to try again … right?!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Debbie,
      Thought-provoking is always one of my goals, so hitting the target with you makes me smile. Thank you. Yes, endless is a challenge to ponder – but trying is a way of appreciating the grandness we can found in the world around us. Meanwhile, I do look forward to do the difficult (and seemingly endless) task of finding good food and wine in Tuscany. If I stay focused by keep trying and not getting discouraged, I’m confident that I will find success sometime and somewhere in the future. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. “Is mathematics the science of the infinite?” I love this line! We do not have the capacity to understand the Infinite so we compartmentalize. We can understand what we can see, mostly, and we rely on science to make the incomprehensible comprehensible. Does that make sense?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pam,
      I, too, like that line about mathematics being the science of the infinite! …. so you loving the line makes me smile. Also, just another example of our linked wavelength. 🙂 Yes, your comment about the inability to understand the infinite does make sense … especially with so many aspects of life being finite! Thanks for sharing.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Excellent points to ponder, Frank. As I sit here reading your post, I’m reminded that time isn’t quite as timeless when a cat doesn’t get that the clock was set back an hour. Or maybe they do get it and take it upon themselves to use an extra hour to beg for their meals? 😉😂

    Liked by 1 person

  14. You certainly gave us food for thought on Endless dear Frank.. Loved the Image from Space… Its hard to comprehend infinity no beginning and no end..
    Blogging breaks sadly also come to an end… I hope you enjoyed your break away.. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sue,
      Endless can create an endless list of thoughts. Fortunately, I have the readers to thank for many of these thoughts. I’m with you – space is truly hard to comprehend. No way I can get my head around its vastness. Meanwhile, the mantra stands – Blog breaks are good! 🙂 Thanks for walking along.

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  15. I dream endlessly of returning to Tuscany.
    And Erik Satie’s Gymnopédie is my wake-up alarm 🙂 (the piano version) – I am quite enjoying this guitar version. Thank you, for that.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes we did, Frank! It’s such a beautiful piece and I don’t need blaring horns to wake me. I quite like to wake up gently 😉
        And yes, you are so right I am returning. Sonner rather than later!

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  16. A very interesting topic and follow-up conversation, Frank! As finite creatures, our existence is bounded by time and space. However, through our capacity for understanding, we are able to grasp the concept of infinity. This abstract notion, though beyond our physical limitations, can be comprehended through logic and reason. Our ability to perceive patterns, analyze data, and contemplate the infinite nature of the universe allows us to gain insights into the boundless possibilities that lie beyond our finite existence. In this way, we transcend our own limitations and explore the infinite realm of knowledge and understanding.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rebecca,
      The human brain is a endless in its fascination of dealing with complexity. Infinity and endless are difficult to grasp – and thankfully we have people who can put it into perspective. These days, I think of Neils DeGraffe Tyson’s wonderful ability to explain the universe in such an understandable way. Even then, the grandness of the universe is difficult to imagine … so we just trust it and its incomprehensible size and wonder. Thanks for walking along and sharing.

      Liked by 1 person

  17. On the topic of space, there IS no end to the end. Which makes my head hurt too. To imagine there is no end to be had . . . it’s strange.

    Speaking of endless, now we are going to get endless speculation as to where Ohtani ends up. I hope he doesn’t go to the Dodgers who are the favorites to sign him. My dark horse pick is Seattle. I think it would be a nice spot for him. Good sports town, nice team.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Marc,
      Space with no end is a tough thought to imagine …. and it’s expanding, but into what? Poof … Maybe, even with the unimaginable, we are both confused and accepting at the same time. Meanwhile, Ohtani would look good in Cincy Red …. and imagine him hitting in this ballpark! Then again, he won’t be here.

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  18. It’s all just energy to me. Attempts at grasping the ineffable, are only ‘right’ in a moment and by the time they emerge, it’s not that same energy anymore. For me time, seems like a manner of control in addition to attempting to be self reliant and to order things because mind wants that, not because any of it is needed.

    Liked by 2 people

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