217 – Love v3

Honoring Valentine’s Day this coming Wednesday 14th February.

Click the video above for several minutes of background waves while reading.

I like to walk on the beach. It is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

In many of my beach walk essays, I include a quirky paragraph or two involving common idioms for the topic. While writing the essay to include as many time idioms as possible, the idea came to me to do the same with love for Valentine’s Day. I researched love idioms and then attempted to weave them together into sensible nonsense. Well, the time has come.

Photo by Criativithy on Pexels.com

We can fall in and out of love or love someone to pieces. We can have love at first sight or be head-over-heals in love – but do we want to love ‘em then leave ‘em? Then again, all is fair in love and war.

We know love is blind and love will keep us together. While love makes the world go round and conquers all, some love for the love of it while others debate between love or money. Some people have a labor of love, but is there love in a love-hate relationship? Surely, that can’t involve the love of one’s life. 

Love at first sight involves getting hit by the love bomb sending lovebirds madly in love. We can love it, love you, love life, make love, be lucky at cards but unlucky at love, play for the love of it, have a love-in, or be lovestruck – but each of us knows someone who loves the sound of their voice. 

Elvis asked to love me tender, but others seek plucking petals of a flower to determine if someone loves or loves me not. Even though money is the root of all evil, some can get love or money. 

Photo by picjumbo.com on Pexels.com

Tough love can destroy love because there is a thin line between love and hate, but there is no love loss between two people because the course of true love never runs smoothly.

Some say love conquers all, but others profess one cannot love and be wise, but love still trumps hate. We can love someone to bits, to death, but George Bailey told Mary that he loved her to the moon and back.

A love affair in the love nest could involve a love potion that causes the love muscle to have a love fest that may create a love child with a face only a mother could love. But for the love of Mike, Pete, and god, don’t forget that Philadelphia is the City of Brotherly Love. Then again, people love Valentine’s cards postmarked from Loveland, Ohio or Loveland, Colorado.

There are lovefests, love handles, love knots, and love triangles – but all the world loves a lover. We know misery loves company – but in the long run, love finds a way because love conquers all.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

We have loved ones, puppy love, a first love, and we can love it or leave it – but in the end, love breeds love just for love because lovebirds can be blinded by love, and it is better to have loved and lost than never have loved at all.

I love writing these beach walk essays, especially when I get to be quirky with idioms. With Valentine’s Day upon us, don’t forget to give and send love to someone – and seal it with a kiss of tender love and care. Meanwhile, I like to walk on the beach. It is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

I’m linking to Jo’s Monday Walk above River Guadiana. Tell her I sent you.

See what other bloggers have posted about Love

Next Post: Edges – Saturday 17th February @ 1 AM (Eastern US)

82 thoughts on “217 – Love v3”

  1. You forgot “All You Need Is Love” by the Beatles and one of my favorite disco songs of all time, “I Feel Love” by Donna Summer.

    I love the Chiefs chances tomorrow.
    I love loaded nachos, which Imma make.
    I love Mahomes MVP odds, Travis too. Hey . . . joint MVP’s?

    Love it Cincy

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Marc,
      No problem because I’m sure I forgot many more – but you just gave me an idea: a similar essay but weaving love song titles together. Hmmm … but that seems difficult …. hmmmm …. I don’t mind the Chiefs winning because that would make the politicos snarl. Will Andy Reid step down soon thereafter? I’m all in on your nachos.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That would be an undertaking! But I believe in you. Hey . . isn’t that the title to a love song? Somewhere? At some time? Hmmm.

        You can’t give the Chiefs a chance, or well . . you see what happens.

        Reid can step down and go out a winner, or come back for a three-peat attempt

        The nachos were spectacular!


  2. You did a lovely job with this, Frank (I couldn’t resist). It’s funny that you mentioned George Bailey and “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Whenever I hear, “All is fair in love and war” I always think of the scene in that movie when George Bailey says that quote to his mother and she replies, “Well, I don’t know about war…” It’s funny how we associate some things in our minds.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hahaha! Despite the fact that this was a fun read, I feel smothered in love right now! Love is quite a phenomenon. Isn’t it ironic how being in love can feel so good and at the same time can be so painful? And how love can be so transparent and yet remain such a mystery?

    When I was in Junior High School, we girls must’ve stripped every daisy in our community of their petals while chanting, “He loves me, he loves me not.”

    Wishing you and your bride a very pleasant Valentines Day Frank. Hope it stirs up happy memories of your younger selves and made you aware that you have passed the test of time! OMG! WP just substituted “the test of time” to “away”! Imagine if I didn’t proofread! 😂😂😂


    Sent from my iPad


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ginger,
      Glad you enjoyed this peculiar but fun way to look at love. On a serious note, I like your points about love so much that I’ve transferred them into my notes for volume 4, which is see for next year at this time. Thank you for your input and for the best wishes!


  4. Frank, a very heartfelt lead-in to Valentine’s Day here. I am fortunate in that Mrs. Chess likes red carnations instead of roses. A lot more “cost-effective” lol. I am absolutely a firm believer that true love never fades. Happy Hearts Day to you and Mrs. Angle!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. weaving through your idioms was a lovely experience, Frank…. to leave with wishes for a lasting kind of love for all….be it to the moon and back or to bits….
    a well explored walk….thanks for having us along.🤍

    Liked by 1 person

  6. With Valentine’s Day upon us – you’ve got the perfect “walk” on the beach for us to read. Know what pops in my head when I think of “love”? David & Bacharach’s song “What The World Needs Now Is Love”……oh yes indeed we do….and lots of it. But over and above that, thinking about love can be overwhelming like the huge wave coming your way as you walk the beach that you didn’t expect to see……and at the last minute it becomes a tiny, soft wave that wasn’t so overwhelming after all – just soothing.


    Liked by 1 person

  7. 👏👏👏 Well done Frank!!! I LOVED your post and it’s nod to our approaching Valentine’s Day. Given 2 days to ponder I don’t think I could have come close to finding that many instances of love idioms. Thanks for the fun post! (and Happy Valentine’s Day to you!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tina,
      Thanks for the applause and accolades on this essays. I meant it to be fun yet quirky, and it seems to have worked. The secret is knowing that Google makes it easy to track down idioms. 🙂 So I had a list, and then scratched them off the list when I used them. You gave me an extra smile because I recall you weren’t overly happy with the similar essay I constructed around time essays. (… and that’s OK) … Nonetheless, I don’t do these very often. Cheers to the fun and enjoy your Valentine’s Day on Wednesday.


  8. You did a fine job with this one, Frank (as usual!). So many different types of love. However, I find it somewhat sad that people toss the word “Love” around so carelessly. I mean, really, do you actually LOVE that peanut butter sandwich?!? Personally, I’m partial to George Bailey’s “to the moon and back”!!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Excellent!

    You wove a tapestry displaying all the valentine colours from powder pink to red hot.

    This was one fun’n’fab walk reflection.

    What else can I say? Super, duper, ice-cream scooper! Strawberry with cinnamon hearts!

    Luv ya, Frank! 🍷clink🍷

    Happy Valentine’s!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Resa,
      Wow … a shower of praise with ice cream, wine, and love …. I’m all in for that – many thanks!!!! I had fun weaving the idioms into something semi-coherent. Fortunately, getting the idioms is the easy part. This essay may not be overly romantic, but it is full of love! Clink …. Happy Valentine’s Day … and luv ya right back.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You know; it IS overused and printed on so many things now… But way back in high school, I was writing this all over my notebooks. I have a friend who says he thinks of me every time he sees it somewhere!

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  10. And I love the bumper stickers that I sometimes see that say: Love Wins.

    I love this post, and I think your love of idioms has just about covered all, with a loving blanket of words and phrases.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Wonderful weaving together of idioms and words, Frank. So perfect for this Valentine’s Day week. Love can be so many things. As you said, love can hit you at first sight but then there are also things like love affairs puppy love. It made me think that love is a wonderful feeling – you get swept away with it or maybe fall in deeper and deeper in love. Great that you found inspiration with the theme of love. Hope you are enjoying your beach walks 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mabel,
      Weaving together the idioms is a fun exercise. Although I’ve done it in many essays with a paragraph or two, this is the second time I’ve done an entire essay. (See Time v6). Someone suggested I do this with love songs. Fortunately, I have the knack – but time will tell if I do it. Then again, love offers countless opportunities for essays. Meanwhile, beach walking time is good … but is running out soon. 😦


      1. With inspiration, you probably will be able to do more clever weaving of idioms in longer form, Frank. We all like them a lot. Enjoy the beach time you have left and may they be very inspirational beach walks 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Happy belated Valentine’s Day to you, too. Love this, Frank! Your post is a real lovefest! Love conquers all. Thanks for linking to WQ. Don’t forget to mention WQ in the post. As always, the songs in your posts count as your quotes.

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