2 – Morning

Click the video above for 2 minutes of background waves while reading.

I like walking on the beach. It’s good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

As an early riser, I wanted to start today with a morning beach walk all by myself to see the sunrise with the sand and water touching my feet. A different start to my typical day.

Natural biorhythms awakened me 30 minutes ahead of the sun’s appearance. I looked out the window to the disappointment of a light fog – but I still went to the beach because it was my day.

Down nine flights of stairs, through the lobby, and across the sand straight to the water’s edge. Looking left then right, the lit pre-dawn sky allowed me to notice the beach was all mine. Nobody in sight. Birds weren’t even in the sky.

I walked to the east with an eye on the horizon for the approaching event with the calm water rolling across my feet. I ponder about my life – people, places, events, highs and lows – all are thoughts worthy of separate walks.

A small wave ahead of me washes a small crab toward the shore. I see it fighting to return to the sea – and then the backwash helps deliver its wish and not for me to see again.

Looking ahead, I notice a Great Blue Heron has joined me and stands alone starring across the water. Probably hoping for a morning meal, or at least waiting for a fisherman to arrive.

It’s time – the sun starts rising – but the clouds block its appearance – so I continue walking to the east until I see the sun.

The seagulls are now soaring in the sky above the water – but I haven’t seen any sandpipers, pelicans, or my favorites – the frantic sanderlings.

I look ahead – there it is – the sun appearing out of a cloud. My day has started! I enjoy the moment, smile, and then reverse course.

People are now in sight. I encountered the first person of my day. She smiled and said “Good Morning” as we passed.

A flock of seagulls is now gathered on the beach. Without flying away, they squawk as I pass as if they were singing to me. I smiled, and then they stopped.

The heron still stands and stares on my return trip. The picture capturing this moment is not only one of my favorites, but it is also the backdrop for Beach Walk Reflections.

Morning – The dawning of a new day. A time to notice awakening one more time. A time to get a good start to a new day.

Morning – The loneliness of the beach in the pre-dawn light – a chance to set the tone for the day ahead.

Morning – A time to absorb the freshness of a new day – a time to mentally write sentences.

Morning – A time to breathe, think, and enjoy – and all of this at daybreak.

This is a beach walk reflection. This is the journey we will walk together to think together about a wide variety of topics. This is a time to relax the mind to go deep into the mind.

This is a good way to start my day – and already over 4000 steps – but the rest of the day is unknown. After all, a good start to a day helps in life. However, no matter the time of day or the day of the week, I like walking on the beach because it is good for the mind, body, and soul – and refreshing on my feet.

Follow Beach Walk Reflections

Next Walk: Snowbird Freedom (Tuesday 27 October @ 1 AM Eastern US)

125 thoughts on “2 – Morning”

  1. Morning, Frank!
    Never walked on a beach at sunrise, but I want to now! I love the seclusion of being on a beach by myself. Very peaceful.
    Have a great Saturday!


    1. Tom,
      Walking the beach at sunrise is wonderfully peaceful. I actually took he backdrop picture of this blog with the heron on my birthday several years ago. Because of that day, I started a new tradition for my birthday! Thanks for walking along and glad you enjoyed the walk.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Good Morning Merril,

          Cheers to we early risers! 🙂 I recall our first winter at the beach when we had a beautiful, unobstructed view of the beach & to the east – so I saw some fabulous morning skies.

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  2. It must be a real privilege to be able to have a beach walk at sunrise. It’s something I do whenever I have the chance, but we’re properly inland. Early morning walks in the countryside are great, but nothing beats that expanse of sea and sky opening limitlessly before you.


    1. Margaret,
      That is so true. I spend most of the year very inland, so during my beach time, I cherish being able to see the morning skies – let alone the days I go to the beach for an early morning stroll. Nothing beats it.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Marina,
      I’m happy for my decision to post in the early hours of the new day so the Europeans (and those in North, Central, and South America) could have a beach walk in the morning. Hope you watched the video, which is awesome! Have a wonderful weekend. Yamas!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I remember many a pre-sunrise walk when I lived in Clearwater, FL…….we were close enough to the beach I could walk for my “beach fix” most mornings. Even on an angry day for the surf it was restful just being there. The rhythm of the waves washing up on the beach would somehow always align with my heartbeat. My walks back home were always completed with a smile on my face that most days would STAY until sunset…….. Thanks for describing your feelings watching the sunrise at “your” beach.



    1. Pam,

      To have a permanent residence at the beach – oh wow! Being in Cincinnati, my beach experience is limited to snowbird season. Peaceful with the rhythm of the sea – ahhhhh …. wonderful! FYI: I took the background pic with the heron on my birthday 2 years ago.


  4. Your heron photo is my favorite today. 🙂
    I only discovered the beauty of sunrise recently, Frank, and I have started taking heaps of photo at that time of day. The light is something special early in the day. Now you have inspired me, and as our weather is warming, I might just have to take a sunrise beach stroll too.
    By the way, what ocean are you near? It’s gorgeous, and the waves look very gentle, just the way I like them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Joanne,
      I love the heron pic. When I was searching for a template/theme for this blog, the heron pic was in my head, so when I found this theme – search over!

      I’m an early riser, so while I’m only occasional on the beach at sunrise, I see my share of sunrises and early morning skies. For me, I enjoy them more than sunset.

      We go to the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Usually they water isn’t as peaceful as it was on the day of the picture. Actually, Hurricane Sally greatly impacted the area – so we are curious to see what we will observe when we arrive in a few months. The beach there is wonderful for walking!

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        1. The area we visit is wonderful. The town has plenty to offer, yet it is not crowded. Prime time there is summer, so we get wonderful rates. If someone wants more sun and higher temps, they have to go further south in Florida, (our spot is right next to northern Florida) – but now matter how cold it gets, it’s still warmer than home!

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            1. I describe the region as fall like. Many days wearing long sleeves with shorts. Temps can be cold, cool, warm, or hot – quite the range. Most evening have a cool bite. I have seen ice form in fountains.

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            1. LOL … funny. Usually on my phone, and more during sunrises (my favorite). I’m not sure when I’ll use it, but I once got very lucky to capture a flock of seabirds flying away. The sun was bright and I took a series …. then didn’t know what I had until I returned to the condo.


  5. Sometimes foggy beach walks are the best, especially up here in New England. Your morning reflections take me back to Cape Cod mornings and sunrises over the water. But no pelicans in my scenery. They must be a lovely sight. Your picture of the heron in the sunrise, looking out over the water, is so evocative and beautiful. Hope you have a great weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Barbara,
      Glad I was able to relate a southern beach walk to one along a northern coast. Last year we had our share of foggy days – including several days when it stayed around the entire day. I still recall one time stopping to check I didn’t pass my building! This probably won’t surprise you, but there will be a walk on Fog. I love the heron pic, which is why I used it as the backdrop here. Enjoy your weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. YES!!!!
        I stalk them at a local lake and on farm ponds. Soon the Sandhill Cranes will move in near the farm for winter. I love hearing them coo. Every once in a while we see a group that includes a whooping crane.

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  6. I’m listening to your surf as I read and write a comment. So soothing! My favorite time at the beach is at sunrise. So when I visit the ocean in NJ once a year, I wake up before anyone else in the family every morning, quietly put on my shorts/top and escape to walk on the beach. I see only a couple of other people there as the sun rises, and we’re all respectful, either just nodding our heads as we pass or whispering “hello.” The beach is miles long, the surf seductive in its sounds, even the seagulls are quiet. No herons at that beach, but your photo here is amazing. Glad you started up this blog, Frank!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pam,
      Oh yes – and we are on the same page. As early risers, especially on the beach, we get a chance to experience what others miss! I was nodding continuously while reading your comment! Glad to help on WP. At this point, posting twice a week (Tuesdays & Saturdays). May expand to Thursday in time. Depends of the traffic. Cheers to your love for the early morning beach!

      PS: Thanks for letting me know you used the beach sounds. 🙂

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  7. Cincy

    You’re right about how a good morning helps to set the tone for the day ahead. I prefer to do my exercises and meditation early, while working with a clean slate and with less going on in my mind.

    And 4,000 steps, that’s the way to chart the course!

    PS- It’s almost as if Grieg was painting us a sunrise with this one, isn’t it?


    1. Marc,
      Early mornings are wonderful. If just me, I would do more walking early than I do. Besides, I’m not one that says “don’t talk to me until I’ve had 2 cups of coffee.” (Although I’m not a coffee drinker). In terms of Greig, the great composers are musical painters. When we had tickets to a symphony series years ago, I loved reading in the program about my the composer wrote the music because that helped me feel and see the music. Thanks for taking the time to watch the video, because I think it’s fabulous – and your comment is the first about it.

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      1. As for cafe, I don’t NEED it either. I love it, for sure but I don’t stay married to it because I like just being in the moment. It’s peaceful when you catch it.

        They are! And it’s a part of my meditation, to toss back something classical and just Zen out.

        “. . . feel and see the music . .” I like that.

        I loved it Frank, as I love all your videos.


        PS- Imma send you an email about Heroes for next Friday . . .

        Liked by 1 person

        1. We are on the same page about coffee. I put a lot of time into finding videos videos for the walks. I still have a file of about 20 videos I haven’t used … and I’ve assigned videos to over 120 walks! … so thanks for the positive feedback.

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          1. It shows, with the videos. I’m just like you, I grab an initial video for a post and nine times out of ten I change it at least once or several times before finding just the right one. I’d rather not have a video at all than go with one that doesn’t make me feel good about it.


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  8. I love seeing herons in the morning. They are so quiet and seem still, until you’ve notice that they’ve moved. It’s always amazing to have the world to ourselves, even if only for a little while.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Laurie,
      So happy to start your day in a good way. When I’m south, I fortunate to be able to take the steps down much more often than riding down. Overall, I walk a lot during my winter on the beach.

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  9. Thanks for the lovely morning that’s very different from mine. You notice and think about the types of things I do, so that’s fun. I love being out in the early morning and if I see no one, that’s just fine. 🙂 When we lived in Illinois, I often made it through the entire park without seeing a person…but saw plenty other things. If I lived by the beach, I’d be out there often, listening to the sea and seeing what I could see besides the sea. See what I did there? 🙂 Ok, that’s it for today. Have a wonderful weekend, Frank.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Janet,
      Thanks for sharing your experiences. Seems that no matter where you lived, you made the best of mornings. There is simple a solitude to that time of day. Hope you watched the video because it delivers that same feeling. Enjoy your weekend.


  10. Lovely walk, Frank. I have, unfortunately, lost my early morning get up and start the day. After all those years working evenings and nights, my circadian rhythms have changed. And it ain’t gonna get better as I’ve been asked to take the noon to 8 pm shift until they hire new peeps. I’m not overly thrilled, I can tell you.
    To think I used to get up at 5:30, be at the gym when it opened at 6 and at work by 7…
    Grieg’s piece is a classic for depicting mornings, isn’t it? Excellent choice!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dale,
      Bummer that you’ve lost the time for morning walks and you’ll be changing shifts. My first thoughts, “Hey – now you can sleep in.” … Then I remembered, well … I doubt that will happen. 😉

      The Grieg music is perfect, and the creator of this video did an excellent job.


  11. Looks like the new blog is going well, Frank 🙂 🙂 I love the shot of the heron watching the sunrise with you. Nice music from Grieg too. My own experience this afternoon was very different, but certainly as peaceful and calming. Have a great week!


    1. Jo,
      The new place has gotten off to a good start. One of the things I like is the new people! 🙂 You live in a wonderful area of the world. I imagine your area is fabulous in October! Do you have a rainy season?


  12. There are very few things in life that can beat a walk on the beach as the sun is rising. I loved seeing that stately, patient Heron. He knows that if he stands there for long enough, something good is bound to happen, just as the crab believed he’d soon get washed into the sea. I often think that we humans aren’t nearly patient enough to just wait for things to turn around for the better, like me with this dratted virus. 😅 Thanks for the videos, especially the Grieg. One of my favorites of his. Happy weekend, Frank.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Oh that surf-listening is really lovely. It feels like we’re walking along the ocean with you. Your blog is multi-dimensional. Such a lovely way to start your morning. Do you walk with water shoes? That’s what we did on Fort Myers Beach.


    1. Kathy,
      Thanks for the kind words. I try to keep the same tone from walk to walk – even though each walk will have a different topic. To me, having the sound of waves at the beginning as a choice for readers is a good thing – and it seems to be accepted by many. The first 20-30 walks will focus on beach themes (sand, waves, water, etc) before going into other themes as music, art, shadows, seasons, etc. No matter the theme, each walk will always end with music, and I’ve taken a lot of time to find musical videos.

      Most of the time, I walk in bare feet. I’ll wear shoes if it’s too cold or I’m taking a long trek. Thanks for asking and walking along.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yvette,
      Interestingly, the two snippets that you selected are what goes on. I can say there are days when the mind is racing, so it can settle in to consistent thoughts. Then again, other days the mind is on a roll. Morning is a good time to establish what I want to think about because that thought may continue during afternoon walks. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Loving the way you are sharing something I love so dearly …. the ocean and beach. My mornings are so busy but to take time out to sit and enjoy your post brings refreshment to me. And I thank you for that!! The inner calmness and strength that stand tall as I ready for my day you added to. Bless you, Frank.

    Liked by 1 person

          1. Oh my goodness, Frank, I am so humbled and honored by your request. Of course please use my photos!! Those of us who are purposely spreading light and love into this world, we work as Team Light. Blessings!! xo

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  15. Morning is my favorite time of day, and my favorite time to walk the beach when I can. I don’t do that often here (the ocean is about 40 minutes away). I’m still amazed at the heron standing on the beach. This is a beautiful image, Frank. Thanks for sharing your sunrise with us. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Robin,
      There is simply something about morning on the beach that is extra special. Probably something different for everyone. Our first trip as snowbirds was to a different unit in a different building. We happened to be in an end unit, and the living area had a huge bank of windows with a corner – AND facing east. As an early riser, I would sit facing east waiting for the sunrise. Oh the beauty that I saw – and I was hooked. We changed condos the following year, which don’t provide as grand of a year as I had. Still ok – but not as grand.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Resa,
      I figured you have been busy. Hope all is going well. Glad you enjoyed a morning walk before dinner. Knowing that the ocean sounds (along with the walk) helped deliver a bit of calm. Now that made me smile. 🙂 Morning Has Broken is such a wonderful song. Actually, one considered for this post. But, I may use it in the future! 🙂

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  16. I could believe that I was there too… 🙂
    I have never been there, and never lived at ocean coast… What a beautiful post, actually a gift for us. Thank you dear Frank, Love, nia

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nia,
      Good morning, Nia. Well, given our time difference, Good Day to you during my morning. 🙂 Transporting readers to the beach is one of my goals here, so if I did that for you, I’m happy! Hope to see you for the next walk tomorrow (Tuesday).

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Good Morning dear Frank, have a nice day, wherever you walk you know, I will be your follower always. Please be careful and stay in safe. Love, nia

        Liked by 1 person

  17. I love this, Frank. I ache for the beach, and to feel the sand on my bare feet. Morning has got to be my favourite time of day. I cannot be by the beach for a while, so I will live vicariously through your beautiful and peaceful reflections, in which you manage to capture the wonderful essence of the beach with your imagery and accompanying photos.


  18. I love the heron, but I’m fascinated with gulls. I love the way they flock to the edge of the water in the morning and sit as though they, too, are just getting started with their day. They seem to appreciate the rhythms of the ocean, almost prayerful…if I can say that about sea gulls. 🙂 Lovely, Frank.


    1. Debra!!!!
      So glad to see one of my longest-running blog friends. Your presence makes me smile. 😀 Interesting thoughts about gulls, so you got me thinking. I still recall the day I took this heron pic, because not far from the time and place gulls were quietly gathered for their morning seance. Personally, I like watching them soar – just floating in the air and letting the air currents support them. Morning such a wonderful time!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Debra,
      Glad you made you way over to my new home. I’m sure you get your beach time when you are in Australia. Good to see that you can get to Italy – which is something I cannot do. Oh boy … one of these days.


  19. While not an early morning person, watching the sun rise over the water is indeed a wonderful sight. Congratulations on your new blog Frank, it is lovely and relaxing.


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